Six Winter Plants That You can Plant in Your Home Garden

Winter is that time of the year when we, humans, want to stay indoors and occupy a seat near the fireplace. However, if you look around, there are a few plants that seem to enjoy the harsh winters too. They thrive in the coldest, darkest months of the year. Since winter is already here, Gharpedia brings you six winter flowering plants to pep up your balcony garden.

Precautionary Steps to Take While Planting Winter Plants

Let’s first glance at the precautionary steps that one should keep in mind for planting winter plants.

  • As plants grow very little in winter, do ensure that you start with the proper-sized ones
  • Place the plant in a location that receives maximum sunlight to ensure that it remains evergreen and healthy
  • Winter entails careful watering of plants, with smaller plants being more susceptible to the vagaries of over or under-watering
  • Check the compost regularly, as it can dry out fast
  • Keep the plant containers off the ground on pot feet or bricks to improve drainage

Six Go-to Plants for Winter Season

Here are six winter plants you should consider planting in your balcony garden or backyard garden.

01. Zinnia (Zinnia elegans)

These winter garden plants are known for their colourful flowers. Zinnia (Zinnia elegans) propagates directly from seeds. Hey, did you know that they grew one of these on the International Space Station, making it the first flower to bloom in space?

Tips to Remember While Planting Zinnia

  • Spread soil over the seeds in a way that it covers them partially, as they need light to germinate
  • Make the soil moist and cover the container with a plastic bag to maintain humidity level
  • Take a medium-sized container with an adequate number of holes for drainage
  • From sandy to loamy, these plants can grow in any type of soil
  • Add leaves mould or compost to the soil for better results
  • Zinnia thrives in full direct sun with some afternoon shade

02. Petunia (Petunia atkinsiana)

This is one of the most popular annual flowering plants; it is quick-growing and known for beautiful blooms in pink, purple, red, white, and yellow. You can sow petunia (Petunia atkinsiana) seeds when the temperature is cool. As these plants grow between six inches and four feet, they are perfect for hanging baskets and planters.

Process and Tips to Remember While Planting Petunia

  • As the seeds are very small, take extra care while sowing.
  • Prepare the potting mix before sowing the seeds. Water it and allow the pot to drain.
  • Sprinkle seeds on well-drained soil and gently push them down.
  • Do not cover them with soil, as they require light to germinate.
  • Use small containers, as petunias are low-growers.
  • Light, sandy soil is ideal for this winter flower.

03. Marigold (Tagetes erecta)

No flower is as easy to grow as marigolds (Tagetes erecta). These annuals shine in gold, copper, white, yellow, orange, red and mixed colours. You can select the colour and size that are perfect for your garden or container.

Process and Tips to Remember While Planting Marigold

  • Plant these winter flowers next to your tomato, eggplant, chilli pepper and potato plants because marigolds are known to keep away some insects that can harm these plants.
  • Dig a small hole with a trowel, and place the marigold sapling in the container.
  • Add potting soil gently around the roots.
  • You can plant marigolds much closer in containers than in the ground.
  • Allow about three inches between small varieties and up to five inches for giant marigolds.
  • Place your marigolds where the plants will be in sunlight for at least six to eight hours every day.
  • Use any kind of well-drained soil.
  • It requires occasional watering.

04. Cockscomb or Celosia (Celosia cristata)

This hardy annual reaches up to 1.2 metres in height and is also known as cockscomb (Celosia cristata); its flowers are white and yellow or shades of orange, red, purple and pink.

Tips to Remember While Planting Cockscomb

  • It is best to grow cockscomb plants in large groups.
  • Their germination time is five days to two weeks.
  • They require full sunlight or light shade.
  • Ordinary soil will suffice for celosia.
  • Maintain a moist soil with regular watering.

05. Cineraria (Pericallis x. hybrida)

These compact, winter garden plants are great for containers, pathway edges, or even as ground cover plants. Cineraria (Pericallis x. hybrida) blooms in shades of blue, red, and pink.

Tips to Remember While Planting Cineraria

  • If you are growing cineraria in the garden, grow them in partial to full shade, and plant them in slightly acidic, rich, well-drained soil with a high compost content.
  • Water them regularly to keep the soil evenly moist, but ensure that you don’t over-water.
  • Cineraria readily reseed themselves in the garden or even in containers.

06. Calendula (Calendula officinalis)

These are extremely prolific, easy-to-grow annual flowers. Also known as `pot marigolds’, calendulas (Calendula officinalis) produce orange, yellow, and lemon-coloured blossoms on long stems and look awesome as indoor embellishments.

Tips to Remember While Planting Calendula

  • They germinate easily and grow quickly.
  • Calendula plants do not need a lot of maintenance. They like rich, well-drained soil but are also tolerant of average to slightly poor soil.
  • Improving your soil quality will produce much healthier plants and flowers, so add plenty of compost.
  • Water them during dry periods, once or twice a week.


On a concluding note, all these winter flowering plants need soil up to five inches deep. So, take an earthen pot of six-eight inches, dig a hole in the soil, and bury the seed about two inches deep. After six weeks, the seeds will sprout into saplings. Then you need to sprinkle water as and when required.

We also have tips to protect your garden from damage in the winter. Check out them at:

Protecting Your Garden from Winter Weather Damage

Author Bio

Huta Raval – An English Literature and Journalism Topper, Huta Raval has graduated from the L D Arts College, Ahmedabad. Post serving for 23 years in the NBFC and Public Library Sectors her desire for ‘writing the unwritten’ brought her to the creative field of content writing. Her clientele comprises of NGOs, Blogging Platforms, Newspapers, Academic Institutions, et al.

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