What is the Most Common Type of Roof Shingle?

You are in the right place if you are looking for a standard solution for your roofing installation. There are tons of websites full of information that might be overloaded and time-consuming at the same time. GharPedia brings you a comprehensive guide on asphalt roof shingles, which is the most common type of roof shingles.

Before proceeding to replace the existing roof or install a new one, you must understand the nature and appliances of the roofing materials available. As the rooftop has to withstand intense weather, you have to check whether the material is going to suit your area’s climate.

So what is the most common type of roof material? Well, the answer is not surprising, as there is the asphalt shingle that won the hearts of Canadians.

Whether you have selected asphalt shingles for your roof, visit here for more information on shingle replacement, repair, and maintenance. This article will discuss all the necessary facts about the asphalt roof shingle, so let’s check them out.

What is the Most Common Type of Residential Roof?

Most Common Type of Residential Roof

An asphalt roof is the most common roof installation material nowadays, as they are less expensive than any other available shingles on the market. At the same time, they have a long life expectancy of 25 to 30 years. So the average house owner prefers it as a reliable solution.

How Many Types of Asphalt Shingles are Available?

Types of Asphalt Roof

Asphalt shingles are commonly sold in three forms. You can choose from these three categories of 3-tab, dimensional, and luxury. As the name suggests, the luxury shingle is pricier than the other two, while the dimensional shingle is the typical choice of homeowners nowadays.

01. 3-tab Asphalt Shingles:

3 tab shingles are uniform with a flat surface and look. They are the cheapest among other types of asphalt shingles. But still, they have a good life span. You can expect a 25-years service.

02. Dimensional Asphalt Shingles:

Dimensional asphalt shingles are also called architectural shingles. These shingles are heavier and sturdier than the 3-tab shingles as they have a thick base mat. They have more scraps on the surface. With a stronger adhesive, they can easily tolerate a wind speed of 70-80 miles per hour.

They give your roof a structural appearance. However, dimensional asphalt shingle is more expensive than the 3-tab shingle, and the price can be higher, even double.

03. Luxury Asphalt Shingles:

The luxury asphalt roof shingle is the premium category in asphalt materials that gives your roof the appearance of slate shingles. They come in bigger sizes and shapes. And they are heavier too than their sister shingles, which makes them more durable.

And all these qualities come at a heavy price, and you might have to spend $7.50 per square foot on an average installation.

How Long Do Asphalt Shingles Last?

How Long Do Asphalt Shingles Last

You may be wondering how long do asphalt roof shingles last? Your asphalt roof shingles will have to go through all kinds of weather behavior, so in general, you might expect a minimum service life of 15-30 years, while the manufacturers provide a warranty for 25 years. However, not all types of asphalt shingles will last the same amount of time. The shingles’ life expectancies are crucial for any roof installation, as replacing and repairing shingles is a common and regular to-do task.

The good thing is that you will get 80% permanency from your asphalt roof in most cases. However, you can expect more years with a properly balanced installation with other roofing components and ventilation.

What Is the Cost of Asphalt Shingles

Cost of Asphalt Shingles

The cost of asphalt shingles depends on which type of asphalt shingles is used. 3-tab asphalt shingle is the cheapest, costing $1 to $2 per square foot. During any roof installation, you have to consider a wastage of 10% to 15%. So, a 100 square feet area will cost around $110 to $120. Dimensional asphalt shingles will cost you at least 40 to 50 percent, which means you have to spend about $175.

And if you want a luxury asphalt roof, be prepared to spend a fortune. While it might cost you about $7.50 per square foot, that means $900 for every 100 square feet.

However, dimensional asphalt shingles are the most widely used roof installation nowadays for their comparatively affordable price and availability.

Asphalt Roof Maintenance

Asphalt Roof Maintenance

It is important to do asphalt roof maintenance. Experts say to conduct a regular check of your roof. Whether it’s an installation defect or unlucky damage to the roof system, every single issue must be spotted and solved as quickly as possible. The comfort and safety of the entire house are closely related to the durability of its roof cover.

Make thoroughly check at least once a year. It’s better to make it twice for better safety. Take a professional service if you still need a more accurate score.

However, for some common symptoms of a flawed roof system, you can follow the list:

  • First of all, look for any algae or moss. There will be dark corners, and you can easily spot them with a binocular without going up.
  • A sign of bad shingles is that they get curly.
  • Fewer granules on the surface of the shingle.
  • Older shingles gradually lose granules.
  • Broken corners
  • Decayed surface and corners

Another common reason that hurts your roof shingles is debris. Any kind of debris holds humidity that harms the overall health of roof materials.

Speaking of roof maintenance we have a detailed article, make sure to check it out:

Final Verdicts

I hope you have got an overall idea of the asphalt roof shingles. Whether you select any of the three types of asphalt shingles, keep in mind that manufacturers bring all these variations together for a better economic solution to the people’s demand. You can go with a 3-tab shingle if it’s a rental property.

For a low-budget home, it’s a great solution with a reasonable life expectancy. Because the price is higher, architectural asphalt shingles are suitable for high-value houses or when you prefer the aesthetical purposes of your home also.

Check out more articles on roofing:

7 Types of Roofing: Which One is the Best for Your Climate?
Patio Roof Materials: Know its Various Types & How to Choose?

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