Learn More About Gharpedia's Mission

Gharpedia.com is the encyclopedia of home. In other words, it is homepedia; a website provides information covering all the aspect of home, from its conceptual stage to its completion. It is everything you wanted to know about a house.

This is perhaps the first such site in India and one of the few in the world covering all range of topics related to house and the common man.

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Meaning of Gharpedia

Ghar (gh in ghar is pronounced similar to ‘gh’ in Ghana. In many of the Indian regional languages, this term relates to ‘Home.’ Pedia means “relating to learning”, Gharpedia is, therefore, your guide all home related solutions.

Our Motto

Gharpedia’s motto is to help the common man conceive, create, and conserve their dream home with a larger ultimate goal of Health, Safety and happiness for all. Gharpedia.com helps to design, build, own, rent, buy, sell, repair, and maintain your dream house by providing all the tips & tricks in an easy language. The website provides a solution to all problems and clears confusions that arise in a common man’s mind during designing, construction, renovating, repairing, designing interiors and landscapes. It’ also guides people when buying, selling, renting or maintaining his / her dream house and helps them make a suitable choice. The solutions are provided by a team of experts having the proficient academic background and who are experienced in their domain.

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Gharpedia is promoted by Sthapati Designers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd., a leading multidisciplinary consultancy organization in India that offers design solutions and professional services in Architectural, Civil, Structural, Transportation, Infrastructural and Environmental Engineering.

About The Founders

  • Founder
    Mahadev Desai
    Founder & CEO – Gharpedia, Founder & Chairman – SDCPL, Founder – 1 MNT
    Mr Mahadev Desai is a renowned Engineering professional having a degree in Civil Engineering from M.S. University, Baroda and Degree of Law from South Gujarat University
  • Founder
    Shekhar Parikh
    Co Founder – Gharpedia, Co Founder – 1 MNT, Director – SDCPL
    Mr. Shekhar Parikh is Civil Engineer with 35 years of experience. He leads the Affordable Housing Mission projects at SDCPL, under which almost 50,000 houses are being built.
  • Founder
    Ravin Desai
    Co Founder – Gharpedia, Co Founder – 1 MNT, Director – SDCPL
    Ravin Desai is a civil engineering professional & a voracious reader.He mirrors the value of the organization, he leads honestly-professionalism-entrepreneurship. With 12 years of experience in US and India

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Nearby Professional is meant for those homeowner / occupants, who are in search of different professionals / agencies related to house. Vice versa, all the professionals also can use this platform for their digital presence, which is more important in the age of digital marketing. This platform can also help you in building ‘A feather in your Cap’ with the growth of your business.

In Nearby Professionals we have identified the list of wide range of professionals who are needed by a homeowner for anything that is required or to be done for the home right from planning of house to the construction, finding materials, furniture, maintaining, repairing and cleaning of house to buying or selling or even in availing loan, etc. Here are the categories for which you can get listed on: Architect Find A Repairman* Interior Designer Engineering Consultant* Material Manufacturer Labour Contractor Contractor Retailor Builder/Developer Packer & Mover House cleaning Vastu Consultant Financial Loan/Consultant Furniture Showroom Other *In these categories there are many more sub categories also on which you can list yourself. Kindly visit our Nearby Professionals page for the details. https://gharpedia.com/nearby-professionals/

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