20 Documents You Must Ask the Builder While Taking Possession

  • Published : 3rd June, 2016
  • Updated : 17th February, 2025

Almost all the people have dream of owning their dream house as it provides them the secured feeling. However, sometimes the happiness that people gets while taking possession of their dream house might last only for a while, if buyer have not remain vigilance. So here we have try to provide all the list of documents to ask from builder/developer while taking possession of your dream house.

Documents You Must Ask the Builder While Taking Possession

  • Construction permission along with approved plans from local authority.
  • Completion certificate / Building use permission from the local authority.
  • Share certificate of the co-op. society, if any.
  • Share certificate of the Private Limited company / NTC, if any.
  • Documents / conveyance deed / sale deed of the flat from builder / developer, if it is not under Society or Pvt. Limited Company.
  • Possession letter from the developer / builder stating that you are the owner and you have ownership right over the flat.
  • Society registration certificate from the Registrar of Society, if applicable.
  • Registration certificate from the Registrar of the Company, if applicable.
  • Declaration from the developer stating that ‘No land revenue’ or other taxes are outstanding against the property and all taxes have been paid to the concerned authorities.
  • Copy of original documents, Title deed certificate etc.
  • As built drawings of the building along with Structural design drawings including Electrical, Plumbing, Water supply, drainage services and all hidden lines / services etc.
  • Copy of byelaws of society or Memorandum and Articles of Association, Pvt. Ltd. Co.
  • Letter stating that all payments have been made and No payment is outstanding against the property.
  • Copy of Property card, 7 x 12 with the name of the builder / you as a buyer.
  • Copy of sale agreement registered in the office of Registrar.
  • Copy of index from the Registrar.
  • No objection certificate from Fire officer, if applicable
  • Copy of grant of permission for water supply, drainage and power connection from concerned authorities.
  • Completion certificate from Architect / Structural Engineer / Clerk of work.
  • Copy of N.A. order of land.

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