The external painting or colour is the most important thing that will give a meaning to your dream. Painting the external walls of your house serves the important functions, it enhances the beauty of your house as well as preserves it. Painting of external walls is one of the biggest job for maintaining the character and charm of the house. Painting the external wall costs thousands, but you can save the money if you follow the perfect steps for painting external walls.
Steps to Know about Painting External Walls
Step-1: Choose the Right Weather Condition
- Understand your local weather. Always choose appropriate weather conditions for painting. Very low and very high temperatures both can be detrimental to painting. Extreme heat and sun will also affect paint. It is worth to read the manufacturer’s product data sheet before commencing painting. Always prefer the dry time of year when there is lower humidity.
Step-2: Cleaning of Surface

- Paint never sticks on the dirty or rough surface, so be sure to clean the surface thoroughly. Sand any peeling paint or flaking areas gently to create a solid surface for the paint to adhere.
- If any growth of mould or fungal is present on the walls remove it before painting. Remove it carefully by applying the bleach solution to walls and leave it to soak for 15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and allow walls to dry completely.
Step-3: Surface Preparation

- First give good visual inspection before painting an exterior surface. If there are any areas that require filling and patching, level all the surfaces uniformly by applying suitable fillers and make it a levelled surface for receiving paint.
Fill the cracks, dents or nail holes in the walls with pre-mixed exterior filler. Also, fill the small gaps in joints and around doors, windows, and other spots where horizontals meet verticals.
- Sand the whole surface gently and rinse with water and leave it to dry.
Step-4: Application of Primer

- Apply the suitable primer coat on the surface by paint brush or roller and leave it to dry for 6 to 12 hours. It provides an even base for the top coat.
- After drying of first coat of primer apply second coat of primer and leave it for 6 to 8 hours.
Step-5: Application of Paint
Always paint from top to bottom. Apply first coat of paint that you have to choose and leave it to dry for 10 to 12 hours. After drying of first coat apply second coat and allow it to dry for minimum 24 hours. After drying the second coat, apply another coat over it, if required.
When you are applying the high-quality paints and finishing it correctly, it will last for many years. So, carry the job in accordance with good and sound practices and following the advice provided by the relevant manufacturers and your architect/ engineer.