5 Ways to Keep Healthy Indoor Air Quality!

Everyone desires a beautiful, comfortable, and pleasant home interior. Because preferences differ, these traits are interpreted in thousands of various ways, so everyone picks an interior design that best matches their interpretation of beautiful, comfortable, and pleasant. However, there is one thing that never changes in terms of importance and quality, and that is clean healthy indoor air. House can never be an attractive, pleasant, or comfortable if the air within is dusty, stuffy, and filled with foul smells.

It is important to maintain a healthy indoor air quality to avoid significant health problems such as headaches, coughing, allergies, and asthma.

How to Keep Healthy Indoor Air Quality?

We’ve compiled a list of 5 smart methods to keep the pollution away and keeping your home’s interior environment fresh, clean, and healthy.

01. Keep Your Home Clean

Home Cleaning

Keeping your house clean is a simple method to maintain excellent air quality. Cleaning is essential for allergy patients to avoid flare-ups and problems, and it may also help decrease tension. Establish a cleaning plan and ensure that all beds and fabrics are cleaned in hot water regularly. Mold should also be avoided in bathrooms and kitchens. When you have allergy sufferers in your house, you should take extra precautions to always keep your house clean and dust-free.

02. Let in the Fresh Air to improve Indoor Air Quality

Fresh Air Coming through Window

This is a simple, yet extremely effective, technique to keep indoor air clean and healthy. The entire internal area needs a flow of fresh air at least once a day. Whenever possible, open all the window frames to create an airflow that will clean the indoor air and fill your house with pleasant smells, such as early in the morning, on warm nights, or after a rainfall.

Most people, however, keep their windows securely closed to prevent the infiltration of outdoor polluted air including consequences of gas emissions from automobiles, industrial pollutants, dirt, and bacteria. However, this does not solve the issue but rather worsens it. When fresh air flow is impossible or unpleasant, trickling ventilation can be an effective alternative for allowing fresh air in while allowing interior pollutants to escape.

Therefore, fresh air is important to let your home breath. It keeps your mood healthy. To know more importance of fresh air, we have written detailed article, please refer

03. Dehumidifying Your Home


Mold and mildew are indicators of excessive humidity levels. And excessive humidity contributes to the formation of an unpleasant, even dangerous, interior atmosphere. Breathing in pollen is dangerous for asthmatics, and they should take quick precautions to avoid it. And damp on its own creates a variety of respiratory and lung issues for everyone. To keep molds away, use an exhaust fan or open a window when cooking, running the dishwasher, or showering.

04. Use an Appropriate Air Filter to Keep Healthy Indoor Air in

Air Filter

Using proper air/fume filters and gas detectors is another smart approach to guarantee that you’re inhaling clean air at home. Various dangerous gases, such as radon, occur naturally and can enter the household undetected. If left unchecked, they can build up within deadly amounts. As a result, it is critical to monitor and regulate these levels. Fortunately, there are a different types of detectors and control devices on the market that can accomplish the job. All you need to do is place such a gadget in or near your living room.

Air filters are installed in a variety of household appliances and are quite efficient. Disposable HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) Air Conditioner filters, for example, are an excellent way to overcome indoor pollution and excess humidity. You can find a great filter in almost every air conditioner nowadays, like Mitsubishi air conditioner. However, maintenance is critical to their successful operation. Regular cleaning of air filters as well as appropriate maintenance of the equipment improves their ability to stream new air in while conducting pollutants and irritants out.

05. Avoid Smoking Inside of Your House

Avoid Smoking in Home

One of the most efficient strategies to maintain clean air indoors is to avoid the development of smoke and gas. Not only does smoking inside cause foul smell, but the inherent irritants in tobacco smoke represent a severe health risk to everybody, especially nonsmokers.

The ‘silent killers’ are far more dangerous than cigarettes. These are the unseen and odourless gases to which people may be exposed. Many homes have wood, natural gas, or propane stoves, heaters, and other domestic equipment. Unfortunately, these are the sources of dangerous gases like carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide, as well as poisonous fumes from fuel combustion. As a result, you should always clean your house and vent any household fuel-powered appliances.

On a concluding note, keeping the air in your home pure and breathable requires diligence and preventative maintenance. Try these above described simple ways to keep your indoor air quality healthy and you will never have “Bad Air Day” in your home!

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How to Improve the Air Quality Inside Your House?
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