15+ Stunning Aqua-Inspired Decor with Indoor Water Plants

  • Published : 27th September, 2024
  • Updated : 27th September, 2024

Want to start your plant journey with ease? Go for water-based plants that’ll give your space an aqua-inspired aesthetic. Water-based plants are easy to grow, require little to no investment, and adorn the space with a refreshing tropical vibe.

These plants can become your primary decor elements in the space. You can use them as centerpieces on tables, desks, or window sills. You can also use them creatively as statement-making wall decor elements.

Furthermore, you can grow an array of plants in water, including kitchen herbs, showy indoor plants, and flowering plants. We’ve curated a list of indoor water plants that’ll help you create stunning aqua-inspired interiors for your spaces.

Advantages Of Water-Based Plants

Water plants offer numerous advantages, making them an excellent alternative to traditional soil gardening. They eliminate the mess associated with soil, ensuring a cleaner surrounding. These glass bottle plants require less maintenance and attention compared to potted plants. Additionally, plants that can grow in water are less prone to disease and pest infestations, like fungus gnats, ensuring healthier growth. Propagation is straightforward, as many tropical plants develop roots in water, allowing you to expand your plant collection easily. Finally, indoor water plants can be displayed beautifully in transparent containers, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your home with their modern and stylish look. These benefits make water plants an ideal choice for indoor gardening.

How To Grow Plants in Water?

To grow plants in water, first, you need to cut a few inches of the stem from a healthy plant. Generally, cutting taken from below the node is used for propagation. Place this cut stem in a container filled with clean water. Do not dip the leaves in water: they should remain above the water line to avoid rot or decay in water. Next, place the plant where there is ample light. Slowly, the stem will start growing roots. Change the water of these water-based houseplants frequently to ensure that they thrive. A word of caution here! If you use chlorinated tap water for growing plants, allow the water to stand for 24 hours before use to dissipate the chlorine.

Create Stunning Aqua-Inspired Decor with Indoor Water Plants

Below is a list of water-based houseplants:

  1. Pothos
  2. Wandering Jew
  3. Lucky Bamboo
  4. Pancake plant
  5. Spider Plant
  6. Arrowhead Plant
  7. Coleus
  8. Impatiens
  9. Begonia
  10. Basil
  11. Paperwhite Narcissus
  12. Dracaena
  13. Croton
  14. Rosemary
  15. Sage
  16. Stevia
  17. Lavender
  18. Philodendron
  19. Caladium

01. Pothos

One of the most common houseplants that people tend to start their plant journeys with is the pothos, one of the best indoor plants that grows in water without soil. This creeper is an easy-to-grow plant that thrives in water. Its variegated leaves have a tinge of white over the green base. The plant propagates using several stems and cuts at the node.

The trailing vine is versatile and can thus be used creatively to adorn different spaces in a home. Whether you plant them near a window to accentuate it, let the vine create an avid display on the walls and ceilings, or simply make them act as a table accent, the choices are endless. This resilient plant needs minimal light and just a weekly change of water.

02. Wandering Jew

One of the most vibrant water-based plants, the wandering jew, can brighten up your space with its striking aesthetic. This evergreen plant loves moisture and thus thrives in water. Hues of pink, green, and violet define the vivid leaves of this plant.

Keep the plant in a shaded area. To propagate it, cut the steam below the node and place it in water. After a few weeks, the plant starts growing aggressively. Put it in a glass jar, use it as a decor accent on an open shelf or table, and let it spruce up your space.

03. Lucky Bamboo

The easiest plant to start your plant journey with is the lucky bamboo plant, one of the best water plants for your home. We’ve all seen it; it’s a staple décor element in every other home. This easy-to-grow, low light indoor plant does extremely well in water. You don’t even have to change the water that frequently, and once the plant grows, you can weave the stems to make sculptural forms out of it.

Put this plant in a chic glass bowl or vase and adorn that with gravel to support the plant and decorate the accent. Place the plant in spaces with indirect light, and change the water every few weeks. It is also known as Chinese water bamboo, the ribbon plant, and friendship bamboo, and it’s native to Africa.

04. Pancake Plant

The pancake plant, or Chinese money plant, is an easy-to-grow indoor plant. Known for its appealing coin-like leaves, this plant also thrives in water. Pair it with an elegant vase to use it as a decor accent in your aqua-inspired space.

To propagate the plant, take its cuttings, place them in a container, and wait for a few weeks for its roots to grow. Place the plant in a brightly lit space with indirect sunlight. Change the water every week and add hydroponic fertilizer to make up for the lack of soil nutrients.

05. Spider Plant

A gorgeous plant with spindly leaves and arching foliage, the spider plant is another easy-to-maintain option among indoor water plants. You can propagate it from a healthy spider plant, and it takes just a few weeks to establish its roots in water.

Plant spiderettes in a jar or ceramic pot and watch them amp up the space with their elegance. Keep it in a brightly lit space with indirect sun exposure. Change the water every few days and add water fertilizer once a month to keep the plant healthy and thriving. 

06. Arrowhead Plant

The arrowhead plant is one of the easiest plants to grow indoors. Its dynamic leaf looks stylish, and the plant becomes a statement-making piece in a space. It grows well in water; to propagate it, cut the stem below the nodal area of an adult plant and place it in water.

The plant will root within a few weeks and soon start thriving. There are two variants of the arrowhead plant that change colour from green to white and lime green to pink. Place the plant in bright indirect light and change the water at least once a week.

07. Coleus

Coleus, a vibrant plant featuring serrated, colourful leaves, can be an enticing addition to your space. Its ornate leaves, and a blend of hues of red and green, make it a perfect example of a decorative water plant. The plant loves good sun exposure and thus must be kept in well-lit spaces. It might lose its vibrant hues to become green if not exposed to adequate light.

The plant is easy to propagate and may take several weeks to grow its roots. Pair it with a glass vase and make this striking plant a part of your space to add a splash of colour to it.

08. Impatiens

Looking for flowering plants that thrive indoors? Impatiens is one such plant that thrives indoors and is also water-loving. Available in different colours, its flowers are simply enticing. This plant can become a stunning addition to any space. These water plants indoors can brighten up any room and bring a touch of nature to your interior decor.

It is easy to propagate in water; simply take a few stems at the end of the growing season and plant them in water. Impatiens thrive in water and will supply flowers all spring. Make your space vibrant by planting impatiens in a chic ceramic vase.

09. Begonia

Another beautiful flowering plant that thrives indoors is the begonia. There are many varieties of these water-based indoor plants. From the vivacious rex begonia to the supple flowering desert plant variants, begonias can be a great addition to creating an aqua-inspired decor theme.

The plant is forgiving and low-maintenance. It only takes a single leaf to propagate the plant. However, it is slow-growing and might take several months to form roots. You might need to change the water every few weeks to prevent damage. 

10. Basil

Basil, a staple kitchen herb, can be easily propagated in water. As one of the indoor water plants, all you must do is take a few cuttings before the plant begins to flower in the summer. Add them to the water, and let the roots grow. It can thrive in water until its roots become around two inches tall.

After that, you need to either use the basil leaves for cooking or transfer the propagated plant to a soiled pot. Plant basil in a well-lit place in your home. Curate a kitchen garden comprising many common herbs. If you want the basil to grow in water permanently, then mix 1 gram of balanced fertilizer like N-nitrogen (20%) P-phosphorous (20%) K-potassium (20%) in 1 litre of water and transfer this into the basil growing jar. Fertilizer duration can be once every 3-4 weeks. Select a spot that receives 4-5 hours of mild direct sun. Avoid harsh afternoon sunlight.

11. Paperwhite Narcissus

A popular winter plant that is both indoor and water-loving is the paper white narcissus. Characterised by its elegant white flowers, this plant will spell magic with its supple fragrance.

Cut its saplings and anchor them in water with the help of gravel to accentuate the look of the space with this accent. The flowers will last a couple of weeks. Place it in a cool space with dappled light to make the plant thrive. Paper white bulbs can sense the presence of water. Add water to the container carefully so that water will not touch the bottom of the bulbs. Once the roots sprout, they will reach down into the water. If water is in direct contact with the bulbs, they will soften and begin to rot.

12. Dracaena

A striking, spiky-leafed plant, dracaena, is one of the plants that grows in water. Its remarkable form looks good in mason jars and jugs. It can be easily propagated from established plants using a cutting that includes a few leaves and a few inches-long stems. Eliminate all the leaves below the water line to avoid decay.

Place the plant in a well-lit location and ensure that the water is fluoride and chlorine-free. This plant is not the easiest to maintain in water, so pay attention to the quality of the water and ensure it stays clean. Change the water every two to three weeks or whenever you see it turn mushy. It can become a great centerpiece that will enliven your space.

13. Croton

Need a pop of colour in your space? Bring in a Croton plant. This vibrant plant is bound to be a focal point in any space it is placed in. Its bold leaves are a blend of many vivacious hues of reds, greens, whites, browns, oranges, yellows, etc.

Although water might not be the best medium for this plant to thrive in, it can still be one of the best water plants for your home. Place cuttings from a healthy croton in water and watch it grow.

14. Rosemary

Houseplants grown in water, such as rosemary, a distinct herb with numerous benefits and various uses, are easy to cultivate at home. This purposeful plant can be propagated in water using a fresh stem cutting. The plant is a little sensitive, so it is advisable to change the water every day or every few days.

It requires bright light to thrive, so place it near a window. Rosemary can thrive in water with the help of liquid fertilizer every few weeks as it grows. Its spiky leaves make this plant an attention-grabbing piece in any space.

15. Sage

Another beloved kitchen herb on this list of water-based plants is sage. It grows well in water when propagated correctly. The ideal time for doing this is during the spring. Cut three to four inches of sage from a healthy plant and put it in water. Place this container in a place with an ample amount of light and ventilation.

This plant requires maintenance and frequent water change. Ideally, you’ll need to change its water every other day. The charming plant can become a stunning decor piece in any space, especially the kitchen.

16. Stevia

Stevia, a wonder plant that is a natural sweetener, can easily grow in water. Make this a part of your water-based kitchen garden. Like sage, this plant too has similar light and propagation requirements. Cut a few inches of sprigs of the herb and keep them in freshwater.

Do not dip leaves in water. Keep this aqua plant in a warm, well-lit place, but avoid placing it in locations where the afternoon sun hits. Create a water-based kitchen garden or use this plant in a chic vase to amp up the aesthetics of any space.

17. Lavender

Another purposeful herb on this list of indoor water plants is lavender. This versatile plant not only looks gorgeous but also has a wide range of applications. Bring home this plant to add a tinge of colour to your space. It is easy to propagate this plant, which thrives in bright but indirect light and requires clean water.

This essentially implies that you’ll need to change the water used for growing lavender frequently. The plant can become a vivacious addition to any space in your home. Its visual appeal is bound to make a space pop with a charming aesthetic.

18. Philodendron

One of the most low-maintenance indoor water plants is the philodendron. Available in several varieties, this plant grows in a scattered manner, like a creeper. Its common variety has heart-shaped leaves intertwining as vines, which can flexibly climb and cover objects. This stunning plant grows aggressively once it has set its roots in water.

Pair it with a striking vase to use it as an eye-catching showpiece. Get creative with the use of this plant let it frame your windows, or make them create a mural on empty walls. Keep the plant in a well-lit space that has indirect sunlight hitting it.

19. Caladium

The diverse array of caladiums available in the market makes it easy to grow indoor plants that grow in water. It is known for its vibrant hues of red, green, and white, with patterns of stippling, dotting, etc. This plant is simply beautiful and adds an eclectic charm to a space.

The plant requires minimal light. Change the water once every week and use fertilizer occasionally. Use the variant that goes with the aesthetics of your space to make this a striking addition to your house.

What Are You Waiting For? Start Your Hassle-Free Plant Journey with These Water-Based Plants Now!

A plethora of plants grow in water. Water-loving indoor plants, such as the Croton, pothos, and arrowhead plants, thrive in consistently moist environments, adding lush greenery to your home. Incorporate these versatile indoor water plants to add a refreshing touch to the space. And curate stunning aqua-inspired interiors in your home.


01. What Indoor Plants Can Grow in Water?

Many indoor plants can grow in water. A few of these include philodendron, coleus, lucky bamboo, wandering jew, etc.

02. Do Water Plants Need Sunlight?

Yes, water plants also need sunlight. The amount of sunlight required might vary, some might need direct sun exposure, while others might need small amounts of indirect light.

03. How Often Should One Change the Water of Water-Based Houseplants?

The frequency of water change might vary as per individual plant needs. On average, a weekly change of water might work for most plants.

04. What Plants Can Grow Without Soil?

There are plenty of plants that can grow without soil. Lucky bamboo, caladium, spider plant, etc. are a few examples of such plants.

05. Can Plants Live in The Water Forever?

Most plants can be propagated and grown in water for a few weeks. Some of the plants that can stay in the water forever are lucky bamboo, lavender, and wandering jew.

Now that you have seen various indoor water plants, start your journey with these green friends. You will love to go through our article, which is a detailed guide for beginners.

Mastering Indoor Gardening: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Image Courtesy: Image 4, Image 6, Image 8, Image 9, Image 10, Image 11, Image 13, Image 14, Image 16, Image 17, Image 18

Author Bio

Saili Sawantt – She is an Architect and Interior Designer by profession. Writing is what she treats as her passion. She has worked as an Architectural Writer, Editor, and Journalist for various design as well as digital portals, both national and international. Formerly she has also worked with Godrej Properties Limited (GPL) Design Studio, Mumbai, due to her keen interested in learning about Sustainability and Green buildings. Apart from this, she runs her blog ‘The Reader’s Express’ and is a practicing Architect & Interior Designer.

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