10 Step Wholesaling Real Estate for Beginners


As a beginner in the real estate industry, you might be overwhelmed with the various strategies and techniques available to make money. One strategy that stands out is wholesaling real estate.

In this guide, we will walk through the 10 steps for beginners guide to wholesaling real estate. But first, let’s understand what wholesaling real estate is.

What is Wholesaling Real Estate?

Wholesaling real estate is a strategy where an investor acts as a middleman, connecting motivated sellers with cash buyers. The wholesaler finds distressed properties at a low price, negotiates a contract with the seller, and then assigns the contract to a cash buyer for a fee.

Essentially, the wholesaler doesn’t own the property but rather profits from the assignment of the contract.

How to Start Wholesaling Real Estate? – Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you have a basic understanding of wholesaling real estate, let’s dive into the steps to get started as a wholesaler.

Step 1: Educate Yourself About the Real Estate Market

Before diving into wholesaling, it’s crucial to educate yourself about the real estate market, local regulations, and the intricacies of wholesaling.

Read books, attend seminars, and connect with experienced wholesalers to gain knowledge and insights.

Step 2: Build Your Network

Networking is key in the real estate industry. As CJ Moss, founder of Moss Homes Solutions advises: “In real estate wholesaling, your success is closely tied to the quality of your connections. Building strong relationships with other wholesalers, investors, and real estate agents can lead to profitable deals and valuable partnerships.”

Besides connecting with other wholesalers, investors, and real estate agents, make sure to attend real estate meetups, join online forums, and actively engage on social media platforms to build relationships with potential partners and mentors.

Step 3: Identify Your Target Market

Determine the area you want to focus on for wholesaling. Research the market, analyze the demand, and understand the types of properties that are in high demand. This will help you identify your target market and narrow down your search for potential deals.

Step 4: Find Motivated Sellers

To find motivated sellers, utilize various marketing strategies such as direct mail, online advertising, bandit signs, and networking. Look for distressed properties and vacant homes.

Step 5: Analyze the Deal

Once you’ve found a potential property, it’s important to analyze the deal to ensure it’s profitable. Consider the purchase price, repair costs, holding costs, and the potential selling price. Use a real estate investment calculator or seek guidance from experienced investors to accurately evaluate the deal.

Step 6: Negotiate the Contract

Negotiating skills are crucial in wholesaling real estate. Aim to negotiate a low purchase price with the seller while ensuring favourable terms for the assignment of the contract. Be respectful and professional, and build rapport with the seller to increase your chances of securing a deal.

Step 7: Find Cash Buyers

Start building a list of cash buyers who are interested in purchasing wholesale properties. Attend real estate investor meetings, join real estate investment groups, and network with other investors. Create a database of potential buyers and maintain regular communication to gauge their interest and requirements.

Step 8: Assign the Contract

Once you’ve negotiated a deal with the seller and found a cash buyer, it’s time to assign the contract. Prepare an assignment agreement that outlines the terms of the assignment and the assignment fee. Ensure all parties involved understand and agree to the terms before proceeding.

Step 9: Close the Deal

The closing process involves coordinating with the title company or attorney to complete the necessary paperwork. Ensure all legal requirements are met, and the title is clear before proceeding with the closing. Once the deal is closed, you will receive your assignment fee.

Step 10: Learn and Improve

Wholesaling real estate is a continuous learning process.

Reflect on each deal, analyze your successes and failures, and look for opportunities to improve your strategies. Stay updated on market trends, regulations, and industry changes to stay ahead in the wholesaling game.

Pros and Cons of Wholesaling Real Estate

Pros of Wholesaling Real Estate:

01. Low Capital Requirement

Compared to traditional real estate investing, wholesaling typically requires minimal upfront capital, making it accessible for beginners.

02. Minimal Risk

Since wholesalers don’t typically own the properties they’re selling, they can mitigate risks associated with property ownership such as maintenance costs and market fluctuations.

03. No Need for Specialized Skills

Wholesaling doesn’t require extensive real estate knowledge or specialized skills, making it suitable for newcomers to the industry.

04. Flexible Work Schedule

Wholesaling offers flexibility in terms of working hours and location, allowing individuals to pursue it part-time or full-time according to their preferences.

Cons of Wholesaling Real Estate:

01. Competitive Market

The wholesaling market can be competitive, requiring investors to stay updated on market trends and employ effective marketing strategies to stand out.

02. Reliance on Network

Success in wholesaling often depends on building and maintaining a strong network of buyers and sellers, which can take time and effort to establish.

03. Variable Income

Income in wholesaling can be inconsistent, as it depends on the successful completion of deals, leading to financial uncertainty for some individuals.

Frequently Asked Questions

01. How does Wholesaling Real Estate Work?

Wholesaling real estate works by finding motivated sellers, negotiating a contract to purchase their property at a discounted price, and then assigning that contract to a cash buyer for a fee.

The wholesaler acts as a middleman, connecting the seller and buyer without actually owning the property.

The key to successful wholesaling is finding distressed properties at a low price and building a network of cash buyers who are interested in purchasing wholesale properties.

02. Is Wholesaling Real Estate a Good Option for Beginners?

Yes, wholesaling real estate can be a great option for beginners. It offers a low barrier to entry, quick cash flow, and valuable learning opportunities.

However, it’s important to note that wholesaling requires dedication, hard work, and continuous learning. Building a network, analyzing deals, and negotiating contracts are skills that need to be honed over time. With the right mindset and a commitment to learning, wholesaling can be a lucrative venture for beginners.

03. Do Wholesalers Actually Make Money?

Yes, wholesalers can make money through wholesaling real estate. The profit comes from the assignment fee, which is the difference between the purchase price negotiated with the seller and the price at which the contract is assigned to the cash buyer.

The amount of money a wholesaler can make varies depending on the deal, the market, and the assignment fee negotiated. However, with successful deals, wholesalers can earn significant profits.

04. How Much Can You Make a Month Wholesaling?

The amount of money you can make wholesaling real estate varies depending on your market, the number of deals you close, and the assignment fees negotiated.

While there is no set limit, it’s not uncommon for wholesalers to make anywhere from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars per deal. With consistent effort and a solid network, it’s possible to make a substantial income wholesaling real estate.


Wholesaling real estate can be an excellent strategy for beginners looking to enter the real estate industry. By following the 10 steps outlined in this guide, you can master the art of wholesaling and start generating income.

Remember to educate yourself, build a network, analyze deals, and continuously improve your skills. With dedication and perseverance, wholesaling real estate can open doors to a successful career in the industry.

Also Read: 11 Real Estate Investing Mistakes You Should Avoid To Make Profits!

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