Common Electrical Issues and When to Call an Electrician

We live in a day and age where technology is already an essential part of our lives. It seems almost impossible now to imagine a world where we are not plugged into any device. All aspects of society and of our planet are now solely dependent on it. And all these advancements are possible thanks to the magic of electricity. Despite the many advantages that electricity has in our lives, common electrical issues do occur. We’ve all had that annoying moment when the power goes out and our routines turn to a standstill, or those flickering lights that disturb your leisure moment when you’re reading your favourite novel. Admit it or not, it becomes a major inconvenience.

To lessen such issues, proper maintenance should always be given to our electrical circuits, not only to prevent the hampering of our daily routines but more importantly to avoid hazards that can cause severe damages or even loss of life, like short circuits or electrical overloads that can cause explosions and fires. Fortunately, a Pro Point Electrical electrician can do that job for you, but before you delve into repairs and maintenance, the first thing to do is to know your enemy first.

Flickering Lights

Probably a common problem we all experience; this issue can be a result of simply a loose lightbulb or a faulty installation. If this is the reason, then a simple DIY remedy can solve it. But if the problem persists, then it might be more complicated. Common reasons for flickering lights besides a loose bulb include an overloaded circuit, a loose electrical connection, or faulty wiring. If that is the case, then it might be best to contact a licensed electrician to assess, diagnose, and repair the issue.

A Burning Smell

A smell of burning plastic could be an indication of a hazardous overload in the electrical system. Most commonly, these problems can be seen in electrical extension cords or overcrowded sockets. These are also the common causes of house fires. While it might be tempting to just close your circuit breaker or remove the cords, you might put yourself in harm’s way and get yourself electrocuted or suffer burns. It might be essential that you contact emergency repair services as soon as possible if you encounter this issue.

Tripped Circuit Breaker

When your circuit breaker suddenly closes your home’s electricity, it’s usually a sign that the electrical circuits in your home are overloaded or a short circuit happened. This is normally a precautionary measure to prevent a fire or explosion. However, you should not casually ignore this since the underlying cause of the trip could be more fatal than you think. If such an occurrence has ever been experienced, then it is vital to contact your local repair services to check the issue right away.

Non-Functioning Outlets

If your outlet is not working, then one can easily assume that the problem lies with the outlet itself, and simply replacing it would solve the issue. But that is not always the case; it could be a sign of an underlying problem, like a worn-out circuit or wire. Attempting to fix such an issue on your own without the proper training, equipment, or skills to do so in regard to electrical circuits could be hazardous; it’s best to just consult with your electrical repair services for this.

High Electrical Bills

Have you ever received your monthly electric bill and, to your surprise, it’s higher than usual? It might be easy to blame the economy for this, but the real reason might be more sinister than you think. Faulty electrical circuits often use more energy because of the amount of stress they are under. So, if you are thinking to yourself, how did your bill manage to amount to that much without you even using too many devices? Then it might be a sign to seek professional help.

In Conclusion

While many common electrical issues at home can be solved by simple DIY repairs, problems that are too hazardous, such as these ones, will require professional help most of the time. Attempting to do DIY repairs on anything electrical is extremely dangerous. The risk of getting an electrical shock or burn is just too high. Not to mention the added danger of burning your house down or damaging other appliances in the process. It’s also much better to not stop at repairs and have an annual electrical inspection to make sure everything is well maintained.

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