DIY Floor Cushion: Affordable Way To Comfort Your Guest

  • Published : 9th November, 2022
  • Updated : 19th August, 2023

You can never have too much seating, whether you get a stylish yet cosy couch for your small apartment or a large sectional for your family. Floor pillows are an excellent way to add new seating alternatives to your home that are both affordable and comfortable, while also not clashing with your decor. It’s also very simple to set up when guests come over to use the cushion! So have we tempted you to add floor cushions to family room? Hang on, before you place an order for them, how about reading this blog and making a DIY floor cushion? Trust us, it’s pretty quick and fun too!

In many South-East Asian countries, seating on the floor instead of a chair is a routine. According to “Big Berry Backstage” (author of the article-Korean Floor Culture, published on in countries like China, Japan, and South Korea, everything revolves around the floor. Hence, floor cushions are considered an important element in their home interior. Even Arabian interior design has given importance to using floor cushions to increase the aesthetic value of the interior.

Floor Cushions in Living Room

Floor cushions pep up the room by lending it a warm and inviting touch. Moreover, they also upscale the safety quotient, especially in households with children. In the white-on-white style, the floor is a very important part of the decorating scheme. You can use different floor cushion patterns and give a trendy touch to your home décor. Floor cushions are comfortable for lazing about on the floor.

Floor Cushion

Floor cushions are useful in many ways. They can be used to provide extra seating space or as décor items. The soft floor cushions provide extra safety against falls if you have a toddler in the house. Speaking of ways to use floor cushions, we have a detailed article to read on:

Are you wondering about “how to make floor cushions”? This project is rather simple and relies upon finding an interesting textured fabric and the right trimming. The cushion cover in the project can be made from a cot blanket, which is the perfect shape as well as being wonderfully soft and inviting; or you could use one metre of fleece fabric. The cover is made in the most basic way, being machine-sewn on three sides and slip-stitched closed with the cushion pad inside. The blanket stitching suits the material perfectly. So get ready to sew floor cushions for your home. Now that your question on “how to make floor cushions” has been answered, let’s gather the things required for this floor cushion tutorial.

Things Required to Make a Floor Cushion

Things Required to Make a Floor Cushion

For a DIY floor cushion tutorial, you will require the following things:

  • A creamy white cot blanket or one metre of fleece fabric
  • A foam/feather or polystyrene bead floor cushion pad (low budge suggestion – buy a cheap floor cushion and re-cover it or make a calico liner and fill it with a pair of old pillows)
  • Beige tapestry wool and a large needle for finishing in blanket stitch
  • Cloth
  • Iron
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine
  • Needle and white thread

Once you have gathered the things required to make your own floor cushions, just follow the below-mentioned steps for a DIY floor cushion.

The Step-By-Step DIY Cushion/Floor Cushion Process

This step-by-step DIY cushion/floor cushion project is quick and easy, requiring only the most basic cutting and sewing skills. The result is a smart and wonderfully soft floor cushion.

1. Fold the fleece or blanket in half lengthways and cut it to make two equal-sized pieces.

Fold The Fleece

2. Cut off any edgings (which may be simple stitched folds of satin). Lay the two pieces on top of each other and stitch them together on three sides, 2 cm from the edge.

Stitch the Sides

3. Snip across the corners and then turn the other way out to conceal the seams. Press flat, using a damp cloth underneath the iron to protect the fleece surface from the direct heat.

Snip The Corners

4. Thread the large needle with tapestry wool and sew a large blanket stitch on the three closed sides.

Sew A Large Blanket

5. Put the cushion pad inside and slip stitch to close the open end. Continue the blanket stitch along this seam.

Put The Cushion Pad Inside

The last but most important step in this project is to go ahead and lazily lounge on your DIY floor cushion…! Hope this “Floor cushion DIY’ project helps you to make your own floor cushions with fun.

Before you leave, do check the latest trends in floor cushion patterns:

Image Courtesy: Image 4

Author Bio

Huta Raval – An English Literature and Journalism Topper, Huta Raval has graduated from the L D Arts College, Ahmedabad. Post serving for 23 years in the NBFC and Public Library Sectors her desire for ‘writing the unwritten’ brought her to the creative field of content writing. Her clientele comprises of NGOs, Blogging Platforms, Newspapers, Academic Institutions, et al.

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