Is Full-Depth Reclamation Worth It?

  • Published : 11th April, 2022
  • Updated : 22nd August, 2024

Road transportation is still the most used transport system in this country and the world at large. However, you should also understand that this would remain the case for a very long time, if not forever. By road users, we also refer to pedestrians that walk through the paths constructed for them.

You can agree that constructed pavements are usually under an immense amount of pressure. This is considering the sheer number of road users that make use of them every single day. Pedestrians, as explained above, are the least of the problems. Higher up, the least of worries are vehicles of all kinds, including heavy-duty ones. This is why every constructed road has a life span.

Maintenance will help users get the best of these constructed roads. For more on the importance of properly maintaining constructed roads, you can visit:

But even the well-maintained roads would require repairs at some point. Therefore, the repairs must be carried out as soon as possible. This is so that the construction does not experience further degradation and would function at its best.

When the need to have road networks arises, full-depth reclamation is a worthy technique. This is a proven fact considering the many advantages that it offers. A number of advantages of full-depth reclamation will be discussed here in this article, and you should keep reading to know them. But first, understand ‘what is full-depth reclamation’.

What Is Full-Depth Reclamation?

FDR stands for full-depth reclamation. Full-depth pavement reclamation is a type of rehabilitation that involves reusing old asphalt pavement and its underlying layers to create a new foundation layer.

Advantages of Full-Depth Reclamation

Following benefits of full-depth reclamation proven it is a good road repair technique

There are alternatives to full-depth asphalt reclamation when the need for road repairs arises. You should also know that many of these alternatives are still being used. However, full-depth reclamation should be your chosen technique for road repair considering its benefits that include the following:

01. Quicker Results:

Pavement Repairing work
Pavement Repairing work

A lot is usually on the line when repairs are carried out with other techniques. This is because the process takes quite a while, and some things are affected as a result.

For instance, it is not unusual to experience a gridlock as a section of the road would be shut down because of the ongoing repairs. Well, the good news is that the results are faster when full-depth reclamation is used.

As a result, road users can get back to their usual business without hassles as soon as possible. This is not something that many other alternatives can guarantee.

02. Cost-Effective Technique:

A lot is spent annually on road repairs and this affects other plans. Fortunately, using this technique demands a lot less. This is not just in terms of time (as explained above) but cost as well.The full-depth reclamation cost is lesser than the other techniques.

A large portion of the resources that would have been used to ensure the effectiveness of other techniques will be saved. A reliable source even posits that using this technique can save as much as 70 percent of the resources other repair techniques would require.

For the record, this also includes labor costs. For more on how cost-effective full-depth reclamation is, you can watch this video.

03. Eco-Friendly Option:

Full-Depth Asphalt Reclamation
Full-Depth Asphalt Reclamation

Anyone that truly understands how this repair technique works would not have a hard time understanding how eco-friendly it is. This is because it uses the principle of recycling to operate in the first place and it is one of the best benefits of full-depth reclamation technique.

Most repair methods would do away with the old asphalt. This means that this topmost layer would have to be disposed of and this can be in a manner that is not suitable for the environment. Fortunately, you would not have this concern with full-depth reclamation, The reason is that asphalts are not disposed of in the first place. Rather, they are used to make or enhance the base of the new asphalt that would be used.

04. Best for Vulnerable Areas:

Some soils are vulnerable no matter how much effort is put into the construction of pavements on them. Soft and wet soils are top of the list.

The reason is that they are questionable in terms of strength. This is because the base would give in to pressure in the long run and this would affect what happens even with the asphalt.

With full-depth reclamation, you stand a better chance with roads constructed in such places. This is because recycling the old road materials will enhance the fragile base and make the new layer of asphalt last long.

05. They Last Long:

The last point gives a good idea of how durability is more likely when full depth reclamation solutions are engaged. But just so you understand how much it can help, such roads can last no fewer than 29 years.

However, this procedure has to be handled by the right team. This is so that the best is gotten out of this road repair technique.

Wrap Up

You now have answers to the question that the article title poses. This is considering how we have walked you through some of the advantages of full-depth reclamation for road repairs.

It is therefore advised that the full-depth asphalt reclamation technique be used for road repairs given its several benefits. However, only qualified teams should be trusted to execute the technique.

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