6 Heater Maintenance And Repair Tips To Stay Warm This Winter

  • Published : 13th January, 2023
  • Updated : 17th February, 2025

Winter may take a toll on your heater. Whether you love the cold weather or not, it’s crucial to take some necessary steps to keep your heater in good condition to stay warm. Proper heater maintenance can also address minor problems like a loose screw and dirty filter while they’re still small. It stops them from worsening into expensive repair issues that may cause extra damage to your heater.

Here are the heater maintenance and repair tips you must remember to keep your home warm and cozy this winter.

Heater Maintenance And Repair

Heater Maintenance And Repair Tips That Everyone Should Know

01. Hire A Heating System Professional

Hiring a professional is always recommended when dealing with heater repair and maintenance if you’re not that knowledgeable about fixing or maintaining your heating system. With professionals by your side, you can prevent dangerous heating failures.

Heating system experts have the necessary experience to maintain and repair your unit. With their years of expertise and experience, they know how to do their job well without causing damage to your property.

Hire A Heating System Professional

In addition, hiring professionals can be cheaper than do-it-yourself (DIY) repair. You can prevent purchasing the equipment and tools needed for the job because professionals have everything they need to keep your heater in tip-top shape. However, it’s essential to remember that not all heating professionals are the same.

To choose the best professionals for your needs, here are the things you need to consider:

a) Ask For Recommendations

You don’t need to look for reputable professionals on your own. An effective way to start your search is to reach out to your family members and friends living in your area. Ask when and why they need technicians. This way, you’ll know if the technicians they hired are a perfect fit for you. Plus, you’ll get a firsthand experience with the professionals, allowing you to make a well-informed decision when selecting the right technician.

b) Do Further Research

Do Research

While recommendations from family and friends are valuable, you need to do further research. Browse your preferred professionals online and check the services they offer. Explore their profile or website to see if the details your loved ones give you match what the professionals claim.

Sometimes, companies may change their rates or go out of business since your loved ones hired them to service their property. They might have also downsized or hired new technicians. Whatever the current status of the company, you should know about it. Browsing the website can also ensure you get the most updated and accurate information.

Check the types of services offered and how much you need to pay for them. As you dig deeper into professionals, ask them about their current promotions to help you save on heater maintenance and repair expenses. Doing this will help you narrow down your list and choose wisely.

c) Check The Credentials And Licensing

Another thing to consider is to check the licensing and credentials. Reliable professionals provide licensing information on their business cards and website, helping you determine whether you’re working with a potential scammer or a professional. If technicians have additional licenses and are recognized for awards, then they’re the right professionals for you.

d) Read Client Testimonials And Reviews

Read Client Testimonials And Reviews

One way to check that you’re choosing the right technicians is to read testimonials or reviews. These will help you understand whether the service you’re expecting from technicians is what you’ll get.

Reviews also share the bad and good about the technicians. It’s where previous clients tell others what they’re like to work with. Moreover, reviews can help you understand the quality of work of professionals and how they get the job done.

Although there’s nothing wrong with DIY heater maintenance and repair, hiring professionals is worth your time and money. With professionals, you can improve your heating system and ensure that your unit is maintained and repaired correctly.

02. Schedule Regular Heating Tune-Ups

Schedule Regular Heating Tune-Ups

Like any home unit, your heating system requires regular tune-ups to keep it in good running condition during winter. If possible, schedule tune-ups at least once a year.

During the tune-up process, technicians will inspect your unit for signs of wear and tear. They may also provide suggestions and recommendations to avoid downtime in the long run. For example, professionals may advise you to replace hot water heater.

If you’re having second thoughts about scheduling regular tune-ups, here are reasons you should do so:

a) Avoid Emergency Breakdowns

Heater maintenance can provide savings for property owners. Often, technicians find minor issues that can be resolved inexpensively and quickly during the scheduled tune-up session. When addressed, such problems can be affordable.

b) Safety

Having trusted professionals check your heating system yearly allows you to fix and detect possible safety issues early. Remember that heat exchangers contract and expand during use and may develop cracks over time. Such damages may leak harmful carbon monoxide fumes into your house. A regular tune-up can lessen the risk and keep you and your family safe during winter.

c) Peace Of Mind

The primary goal of tune-ups is to help you avoid problems that may damage your heater and malfunction during the colder months. For your system to cope with the cold season’s freezing temperature, a tune-up will help your unit function optimally and reduce the chances of system failures.

There are other reasons to schedule a heating tune-up regularly. Aside from the above, a tune-up can help you enjoy savings since a more energy-efficient system may also mean reduced monthly bills.

03. Change Your Unit’s Filter

One of the heater maintenance and repair tips you should never forget this winter is changing your unit’s filter. It’d be best if you do this at the beginning of the winter season and during the spring season. The process of changing the filter is easy. You must only follow your system’s user manual to know the appropriate filter rating, size, and type.

If you don’t have extra money for filter replacement, you can reuse your old filter by cleaning it. However, an old filter may not be as efficient as a new replacement. Besides, filters aren’t as expensive as you think, so get a new one whenever necessary.

Clogged or dirty filters not only hinder indoor air quality but may also make your heater work harder. It’s because they restrict the needed airflow for your unit, causing it to short cycle because of overheating.

Once it happens, your unit may become less efficient, costing you more money and shortening your unit’s lifespan. Some components may also fail prematurely, requiring you to install a new heating system. If you already change your filter and your unit still malfunctions, you may need to call a professional to ensure proper filter replacement and check your system.

04. Give Your Unit A Visual Inspection

Give Your Unit A Visual Inspection

Another crucial step regarding heater repair and maintenance is providing your system with a visual inspection. You might want to ensure your wires look intact and there’s no sign of pest infestation or damaged wirings. If you see damaged cables, don’t fix them yourself—call a licensed electrician instead.

While inspecting your unit, you must also check the ducts. Leaks in your ductwork may keep your unit from running at peak efficiency. If the seals aren’t tight, it may result in a backdraft. If possible, caulk or wrap the joints. You may also use heat-graded foil tape to provide an easy fix. For best results, let professionals clean and inspect your ductwork to avoid heating problems during winter.

05. Clear The Surrounding Clutter

Your heater requires space to breathe, so it must be clear of debris and clutter as per the manufacturer’s specifications and state standards or codes. Doing this will allow enough air, enabling proper combustion of your unit’s heating element, which ensures a smooth and safe operation.

It also provides more room for technicians to inspect your unit thoroughly. So, if your heater is installed in a crawl space, attic, or cellar where your old stuff tends to collect, clean the area regularly so your unit will work well during colder months.

06. Upgrade Your Thermostat

Upgrade Your Thermostat

It’s common for property owners to overwork their heaters by turning the temperatures too high during winter. However, while you think that setting thermostats at a high temperature can help your house heat up quicker, it isn’t always the case.

Your thermostat doesn’t make your heater work faster or blow harder. It may only change the goal your unit needs to reach when heating your house. Therefore, if you set your thermostat to a high temperature with the intention of warming up your home, you’ll end up disappointed and have a high heating bill.

The best way to maintain your heater is to upgrade your thermostat. With today’s technological advancement, you should invest in a smart thermostat. It’s convenient, rich in features, and better for your unit’s health.

When shopping around for thermostats, it’s critical to remember that a heater and thermostat aren’t mix-and-match components. At present, there are various kinds of thermostat systems and heaters, and they should be compatible with each other to ensure proper and safe operation.

Each type of thermostat can be used with one or more heating systems. If you need clarification about which kind of thermostat fits your heater, refer to your user manual or contact the manufacturer. Thermostats may come with documentation that indicates which heating system can be used.

Now you are aware of heater maintenance and repair tips. Let’s start with your home, and you also need to know why you should do this. Let’s see a few reasons for it.

Reasons To Keep Up With Your Heater Maintenance And Repair

Most homeowners might be tempted to neglect heater maintenance and repair because of the cost. However, nobody wants a malfunctioning heating system during colder months. This is why keeping up with your heater maintenance and repair needs is essential to stay warm this winter.

Below are the other reasons you mustn’t neglect regular heating maintenance and repair:

01. To Boost Efficiency

Your heater has to work harder once it isn’t maintained properly. It means that your unit may use more energy, causing a spike in your utility bills. Not only is it bad for your wallet, but it may also affect the environment. Heater maintenance is crucial if you’re searching for ways to be more energy-efficient and save money.

Professionals may clean your heater and ensure all parts work properly. This can help your system run more efficiently and use reduced energy. As a result, you’ll see reduced emissions and low energy bills.

02. To Prevent Expensive Repairs

When your heater breaks down, it can be costly to repair. They may need to replace particular components or the entire system. If not fixed properly, it may only cause harm to you and your loved ones. However, when professionals service and inspect your unit regularly, they can catch minor issues before they become serious. This may help you avoid dangerous situations and expensive repairs.

03. To Enhance Indoor Air Quality

When your heater is running, it circulates the air in your house. If your heater isn’t well-maintained and dirty, it may lead to poor indoor air quality. It may cause respiratory issues for you and your family, particularly if anybody has asthma or allergies.

To ensure healthy and clean airflow, make sure to keep up with regular maintenance. Professionals may clean your heater and ensure it’s running properly so you can stay warm throughout winter.

04. To Extend Your Unit’s Lifespan

Regardless of the type of home heating system you have, it’s a huge investment and you want it to last longer. With regular heater maintenance, you can extend your unit’s lifespan, saving you money and providing you peace of mind knowing that you don’t need to buy a replacement anytime soon. Besides, you don’t want to replace your heating system sooner than you expected, so be sure to provide proper care and maintenance to your unit.

Wrapping Up

Staying on top of heater repair and maintenance won’t only keep you and your family warm this winter, but doing so can help you improve efficiency and avoid costly repairs over time. Just make sure to avoid doing it yourself and let heating system experts help you handle everything to enjoy the winter without dealing with heating issues.

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