Home Solar Installation: A Complete Guide

With concerns about global warming coming to a head, the call for switching to renewable energy has grown more widespread in recent years. Among its popular sources, solar power has gained a lot of traction in the residential sector.

Why? Most homeowners are shifting to using solar power to embrace sustainability. For one, it lets them cut consumption costs on power bills, an advantage everyone needs in the face of skyrocketing fuel prices.

Furthermore, solar power has the added advantage of being readily available. So long as there’s sunlight, a family can produce enough energy to power their home for hours.

These features explain why it’s one of the more common choices for homes going green. If yours is one of them, you may be wondering how to get it connected to your power grid. Luckily, several trusted solar installation services in Detroit saving you time and energy and getting you the power you need much sooner.

Here’s what you need to know about home solar power system installation.

Home Solar Installation
Home Solar Installation

A Complete Guide For Home Solar Installation

01. Home Uses For Solar Energy

Solar energy is by far the cheapest and most affordable source of power compared to grid electricity. It’s efficient enough to use for various home tasks, like:

  • Lighting
  • Cooking
  • Water heating
  • Running ventilation fans
  • Powering laundry appliances
  • Powering generators
  • Heating your jacuzzi or swimming pool water
  • Charging storage batteries
Solar Energy Uses For Home

Some of these typically charge you a lot, especially if you have to do them every day. These include heating and cooling. Solar power lets you stave off some of the costs without sacrificing the efficiency at which you get things done at home. That makes up for the upfront price of buying a solar power system.

02. Vetting Solar Installation Companies

With several solar companies promising excellent results, it may be hard to find the one that provides the services you need. Fortunately, there are ways to tell high-quality providers apart. Here are some tips you can apply to get the best choice of Installation Company:

  • Choose solar companies that are accredited. Your installer should be registered with the relevant regulatory bodies, associations, and movements advocating renewable energy sources.
  • Although the initial cost of installing the panels might be high, most companies offer different quotations. Some can also extend a financing solution to those who can’t afford upfront payments. But to make sure you get the best deals, choose a firm that doesn’t compromise on quality standards.
  • A good solar company will offer after-sale services such as maintenance and regular check-ups. Check service packages to see if they include these.
  • Experience is the best teacher. Ask for the years they’ve been in business. Crews with experience have low risks of botching projects and strive for the best results.
  • Qualified staff and engineers are essential. After all, they’ll be responsible for wiring and connecting the system to your power grid. The last thing you’d want on your plate is for the whole thing to cost you more in replacements because of faulty placement.
  • Chances are you’re not the first to have a solar power system installed. You can ask for reviews and recommendations from others already using solar energy in your community. Find out the companies that installed the system from them and get in touch.
Solar Installation Companies

With these in mind, reach out to companies like Smart Solar Energy, among others, to find which company can meet your needs.

03. Advantages Of Using Solar Energy For Your Home

Besides saving on electricity costs, you also enjoy numerous advantages when using solar power. These include:

  • Durable systems: Once installed by professionals, your solar panels may last for more than 20 years with minimal maintenance.
  • Eco-friendly: As highlighted above, solar energy is one of the renewable energy sources. When using solar power, you don’t emit harmful chemicals or greenhouse gases, which contribute to global warming.
  • Increased property value: A solar power system can become a significant selling point if you’re looking for a way to add value to a property you’ll flip.
  • Convenient: You can use solar energy in all climates. Regular daylight hours are enough to charge your solar panels. Just remember that cloudy skies may disrupt and reduce the rate of energy produced by solar panels. 

These are just a few of the many benefits you receive from going solar. But these should be enough to warrant interest for those who want sustainable energy for their homes.

04. Essential Factors To Consider For Home Solar Installation

Before setting up solar systems in your home, it’s best to consider expert advice. You can arrange a meeting or book an appointment to talk to a provider of your choice. They can provide recommendations on which panels to get. Once you settle on a solar company and sign a contract, they’ll send an engineer to your home to evaluate it. After that, you can count on them to install the system and connect it to your power grid.

Home Solar Installation

Here are several factors that experts consider to achieve maximum efficiency from your solar panels:

  • Panel location: There are three types of solar mounts: roof-ground mounts, flush mounts, and pole mounts. The first one is common for home solar installation. The solar panels are set up on top of your roof to perform optimally in direct sunlight. Since roofs are elevated and largely obstructed, they’re a favorable place to install photovoltaic panels. Before installation, cut branches and move structures that may cast shadows on the panels as they can reduce the exposure they need to produce energy optimally.
  • Roof orientation: If you’re placing the panels on the roof, the positioning of the entire structure may affect its efficacy. The ideal roofing should set the panels at an angle that guarantees a good interaction angle for most of the day. 
  • Roof type: Another critical factor is the roof type. Although panels can work on almost any kind of roof, the ease of installation may be affected by the material. For example, if you have Spanish tiles or wooden shingles, extra care must be exercised to ensure they don’t end up breaking during the project. Fortunately, installation crews worth their salt do their utmost to place panels while keeping the integrity of your home structures intact. 
  • Energy required: Every household nets varying amounts of energy consumption depending on the number of inhabitants and equipment and devices used. Thus, it’s essential to measure your average consumption and contrast it with your projected solar energy production before installing the system. If you desire to go off-grid, solar energy should be sufficient for small homes. You can ask installers to help you with measuring your consumption to stay on the safe side.

With these factors, solar installation companies guarantee that your installed solar power system does its job. Additionally, working with them has its advantages, like service warranties. These can include free regular check-ups and maintenance before a warranty expires.

05. Safety Considerations When Carrying Out Maintenance

Some homeowners prefer to work on minor maintenance issues by themselves. On that note, it’s essential to understand the ins and out of solar systems. This way, you’ll avoid electrocuting yourself or causing other problems at home.

Keep the following precautions in mind:

  • Don’t work on your photovoltaic panels during bad weather due to the risk of slipping and falling.
  • Avoid stepping or sitting on the panels, as this could break them.
  • During the installation process, ensure the home’s sheathing isn’t wet. Your roof may be severely damaged and start leaking.
  • Ensure the point where you install the panels is strong enough to support the weight.
  • Cover your panels with insulation during wiring to prevent shocks.
  • Wear protective gear such as gloves, non-slip shoes, and a helmet when working on your panels.
  •  Use waterproof fittings to prevent water from seeping into your photovoltaic panels.

Preparation cuts hassles and protects lives. With these safety guidelines, you can work on your solar system if necessary. However, it’s always best to have professionals install and do maintenance for you.

06. Solar Panel Maintenance

Things don’t stop when your home solar power system is installed. For maximum efficiency, you’ll need to maintain it regularly. This is relatively easy since you don’t have to move them. A general inspection carried out once in a while will help you have maximum energy production.

Solar Panel Maintenance

Debris on your panels may block them from sunlight. So, you should also clean them regularly. While doing this, make sure to refer to the manufacturer’s maintenance guide to know what to do. Water usually suffices, but different manufacturers insist on using specially tailored cleaning products available in the market. Don’t use any detergent or bleaching agent, as these might delaminate them and reduce their efficiency.

Considering Solar Power

With everyone advocating for green energy, a home solar installation is the way to go for your home. It’s an excellent way to get the energy you need without raising costs and harming the environment. Ensure you hire competent professionals to handle the installation process.

Here’s your sign to call a professional installer to help you shift to solar energy. Feel free to talk to experts for more information.

Although solar electricity is a renewable resource, it is impossible without downsides. Before investing, it is essential to understand the benefits and drawbacks of Solar Power Systems. For more information, click here –

To Learn About the Pros and Cons of Solar Power Systems

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