9 Best Ideas to Hide Outside Ac Unit in your Home | GharPedia

  • Published : 4th January, 2022
  • Updated : 19th February, 2025

Ideas to Hide Outside AC Unit

An air conditioner has become an absolute necessity in all homes. But ensuring the AC unit does not clutter your patio or ruin your perfectly designed interiors can be a significant task. So, it becomes necessary for you to know how to hide your air conditioner unit outside without facing any hassles. Whether it is a split, window, or portable air conditioner, installing and hiding the outdoor unit can be tricky, as it is enormous and can be a little bulky.

In this article, you will learn the easy and creative ideas to hide outside AC unit and the precautions to be taken before installing outdoor AC unit.

Precautions to Take Before Installing the Outdoor AC Unit

Outdoor AC Units

01. Provides Room for Maintenance: There should be enough room for maintenance when placing the air conditioner unit outside. You cannot ignore this point, as maintenance of air conditioner unit is also very important.

02. Provides Adequate Ventilation: There should be enough place for ventilation from the air conditioner unit outside.

03. Avoid Planting Scrubs Around It: If you plan to keep the air conditioner unit out in your garden, don’t be tempted to plant scrubs around it. The scrubs may mess with the air conditioner unit and cost you extra maintenance.

04. Avoid Direct Sunlight: Ensure to place the air conditioner unit in a safe place outside, so no direct sunlight comes on it. If you place your air conditioner unit under a shade, you also tend to improve its performance and reduce energy consumption.

Let’s Have a Look at a Few Amazing Ideas to Hide Outside AC Unit

If you have an outside AC unit and are confused about how to hide air conditioner unit outside, don’t worry; we have some amazing ideas to hide outside the AC unit. It will nicely hide your outside AC unit and enhance your house exterior’s aesthetic and beauty.

01. Simple Wooden Cover to Hide outside AC Unit

Wooden AC Unit Cover

Wooden AC Unit Cover

You can make a wooden cover for the air conditioner unit outside. It’s a straightforward solution for outdoor AC unit cover and can easily be made. Use a few wooden planks around the unit and keep enough space for distance from the unit. It will ensure that enough air passes through and helps keep your air conditioner in a better way.

02. Decorative AC Unit Cover to Solve Your Problem with Elegance

Decorative AC Unit Cover

Decorative AC Unit Cover

Instead of making a simple wooden cover for your outdoor air conditioner unit, you can opt to make a decorative outdoor AC unit cover like a house-like or a temple-like structure. It will look elegant and attractive, adding finesse and grace to your house. You can even choose to decorate it with attractive colors.

03. Big Green Bushes Will Hide It Nicely

Big Green Bushes

Big Green Bushes

Keeping the safety points in mind, you can choose to plant big green bushes in front of your air conditioner unit outside. However, ensure to keep a safe distance so that you don’t end up burning your bushes and shrubs. Roses, hydrangeas, trumpet vines, and clematis are a few options you can look into. These will add to the aesthetic look of your lawn.

04. Planter Boxes Also Works Well

Planter Boxes to Cover AC Unit

Planter Boxes to Cover AC Unit

You can alternatively use planter boxes as your outdoor AC unit cover. However, ensure to keep only those plants and bushes which will not get damaged because of the heat generated by the air conditioner unit.

05. Decorative Showpieces Will Elegantly Hide Your Outside AC Unit

Decorative Showpieces

Decorative Showpieces

The use of decorative ornaments and showpieces in front of your air conditioner unit outside can also help in hiding the same. The designer pieces will attract visitors and give your garden a trendy and funky look. You can choose various ornamental pieces like big vases, gnomes, mushrooms, and many more. The reason for oversized decorative items is to ensure that the air conditioner unit is hidden behind and is functioning correctly at the same time.

06. Door Screensto Hide AC Unit

Door Screen

Door Screen

Door screens are also helpful to hide AC unit. You can join two-door screens together and hide the air conditioner unit. However, you need to ensure enough opening and distance to maintain the proper airflow.

07. Lattice Screen Gives Covering with Beauty

Lattice Screen for Outside Ac Unit Covering

Lattice Screen for Outside Ac Unit Covering

Lattice screens are an excellent alternative for hiding air conditioning units outside. These don’t need much decoration or preparation. All you need to do is put them in front of the air conditioner unit outside, and it is good to go. Even plain wooden planks can be organized to give a feel of the lattice screen. These add look elegant and stunning to your outdoor unit.

08. Make A Wall Around It

Paver Block Wall to Hide Outside AC Unit

Paver Block Wall to Hide Outside AC Unit

You can even choose to create a cement wall or paver block wall around the air conditioner unit. This is a much safer option for protecting the unit in the outdoors. Such a structure will keep the unit safe from the sun, protect from the rain, and is easier to maintain.

09. Storage Area- Solution to More Than One Problems

Storage Area with AC Unit Cover

Storage Area with AC Unit Cover

You may even choose to make a big storage area around the air conditioner unit outside. This will help you in more ways than one. The closed area will hide AC unit and protect it from the weather effect. In addition, the storage area which comes along with it can help you store items and units in and around the house. Usually, such storage space is used for the tools used in gardening…The above ideas to hide outside ac unit can help you hide your air conditioner unit decoratively and creatively. However, do keep in mind the safety measures you need to follow along with it to ensure your air conditioner unit is not harmed. Make use of the wooden planks available in and around the house, use a little bit of paint, and you will be able to hide your air conditioner unit outside without any hassle.

Image Courtesy: Image 3Image 4Image 6, Image 9, Image 10, Image 11

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