5 Benefits of Hiring a Licensed Plumbing Contractor for Bathroom Renovation Projects

Paying close attention to bathrooms can significantly improve a home’s functionality, convenience, and overall property value. This is because of the importance of this part of every home/building, justifying the need for the occasional bathroom renovation work. There are several categories of renovation works that one can carry out, and they include:

  • Energy Efficiency Improvement: Examples include the installation of low-flow showerheads & toilets and the use of energy-efficient lighting.
  • Personalized Renovations: This can cover the addition of larger windows or skylights to enhance natural lighting.
  • Improved Aesthetic Appeal: This focuses on improving the bathroom’s exterior appearance.

In essence, a bathroom renovation project can encompass a wide range of jobs. You can click here to see some bathroom renovation ideas.

The quality of any bathroom renovation project will be largely determined by the competence of the contractor handling the project. As a result, trusting the wrong contractor would be setting the project up for failure even before its commencement. It is for this reason that we strongly advise that you only hire a reputable and duly licensed plumbing contractor.

This article will be focusing on listing some major benefits that you will derive from handing over your projects to licensed plumbing contractors. Read on to learn more.

Why You Should Hire a Licensed Plumbing Contractor for Your Bathroom Renovation

The Involvement of Licensed Plumbing Contractors Is Safe and Hassle-Free

These projects usually require a significant investment, so homeowners expect to get commensurate value for the investment made. As a result, a failed project both implies failed expectations and investment loss. Having licensed contractors overseeing things significantly reduces the chances of these happening, and below are 5 reasons for this stance:

1. Expertise Guaranteed

The issuing authority does not hand over licenses to just anyone. Applicants need to meet certain expectations and one such expectation is having pertinent certifications.

In other words, the plumbing contractor has to have undergone extensive training, guaranteeing high-quality work. This assures, among other things that they understand what qualifies as high-quality plumbing materials which is important for ensuring durability, and optimal functionality. It also means that they are expected to operate with ethical best practices.

2. Regulatory Compliance

Federal and local authorities enforce regulations on how to conduct these projects, and violations lead to serious consequences. The first issue is the penalties that apply when there is a clear violation, which can be very costly. The second is the possibility of failing to achieve the aim of these building codes.

The involvement of licensed contractors ensures that both do not occur. This is because they are well aware of the codes, eliminating the chances of violation due to ignorance. As a result, knowledge of these building codes and the willingness to adhere to them is a major prerequisite for the issuance of these licenses.

Overall, efficiency, durability, and (most especially) safety are reasons for the existence of building codes. It is important to understand that many of these building codes were inspired by building failures and tragedies which the codes now seek to prevent. For more on this subject, you can see: https://www.constructiondive.com/.

Even if for some reason things go south with these projects after hiring licensed contractors, the client will have some cover from possible prosecution and even loss. This is because they have adhered to the law by hiring people legally qualified to handle such tasks. In essence, it is in your best interest to always have licensed professionals handling tasks for you.

3. Helps Avoid Costly Mistakes

An Expert Plumbing Services by A Licensed Plumbing Contractor Is Always Cost Efficient

Bathroom renovations can be very complex, especially depending on the kind. The complexities therefore require the services of plumbing contractors adequately trained and experienced at handling such tasks. Licensed professionals in this line of work help you seamlessly navigate these complexities.

For starters, there are legal complexities, such as the need to file and obtain certain permits. Licensed professionals can take care of this side of things. Secondly, there are technical complexities as regards the project itself and poor execution can lead to several complications, including:

  • Drainage Problems
  • Pipe Bursts
  • Water Damage
  • Electrical Hazards
  • Mold and Mildew Growth
  • Aesthetic Issues
  • Structural Damage

Overall, there are two broad concerns. The first is investment losses, as the need for repairs caused by mistakes during renovation leads to increased costs. Secondly, and very concerning are the health and safety risks people can be exposed to. At the very least, there would be inconveniences caused by the disruption to daily life.

4. Warranty & Liability Coverage

Truly licensed contractors would have no problem offering warranty and liability coverage to their clients. A professional understands that adequate liability coverage benefits them as much as it does the client.

So, anyone claiming to be licensed but unwilling to offer warranty and liability coverage should be avoided. A licensed plumbing contractor that offers client-friendly warranty and liability coverage benefits clients in several ways. For starters, it proves that the professional service is very certain of its competence.

Secondly, it means that clients would still not run at a loss if things do not go according to plan. The fact that the plumbing contractor is under the authority of the licensing body further ensures this. This is because complaints can be made to the pertinent licensing authority if the need ever arises. In essence, they are accountable, which helps protect the interests of their clients.

5. Enhances Resale & Property Value

The state and shape of certain parts of a building significantly impact its value. Bathrooms are prime examples considering how important they are.

So, properly executed bathroom renovation projects increase the chances of getting top dollar for property sales and this is more likely with licensed plumbing contractors. The reason is clearly that they are better equipped to handle such projects and succeed at them due to their training, contractual policies, and oversight from key regulatory bodies.


In this article, we took some time to look at the importance of working with a licensed plumbing contractor for your bathroom renovation projects. We looked at several benefits that this move will offer, which also means that the opposite will likely be the case should you choose to work with an unlicensed contractor.

With all that we’ve looked at, it is obvious that you need to be intentional about having highly competent and experienced plumbing contractors overseeing such projects. No one can take your projects more seriously than you, so ensure that you work only with the best if you want to have a top-notch job done.

Read More: Everything You Need to Know About Plumbing Services

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