Some hosts avoid hosting families with young children because they believe that it is more work to get their property kid-friendly. However, families make up a huge percentage of the travel market, and when you are investing in vacation rentals, you will want to do everything that you can to ensure that your property will be attractive to as many travellers as possible. With a little bit of extra work and foresight, you can quickly turn your property or home into a place that guests who are travelling with children will find welcoming too. After reading this, one question comes to your mind how to make a child-friendly home or which efforts do you have to give to make a kid-friendly home? Then don’t worry, Gharpedia brings some amazing ways to make your home child-friendly.
Know – How To Make A Child-Friendly Home?
1. Make Safety A Priority

As a host, there are certain important preventative measures that you can take to make your home child-friendly and minimize the chances of an accident taking place. Not only will basic measures help to keep your property safe, but also prevent a trip to the emergency department that can easily spoil your guests’ stay. Here are some key tasks that you can ask your handyman to do to make a child-friendly home:
- Add locks to cabinets.
- Add plug protectors to all electrical outlets.
- Check that the carbon monoxide detectors’ batteries are in working condition.
- Add safety gates to the top and bottom of staircases.
- Add a latch to trash cans with lids.
- Find a way to hide the curtain and electrical cords safely out of reach.
These are just some basic tasks in and around the home that need to be completed. Depending on your property, there might be extra safety measures that you will also need to take, like hiding away fragile objects or packing away some clutter.
2. Post Emergency Contact Numbers Somewhere Visible

While these steps above will go a long way in preventing nasty accidents, it does not eliminate the chances of a guest or child, for example, slipping. Hosts must always be prepared for the worst possible scenarios. So, it is key that they also ensure that they communicate to all guests what they need to do in the unfortunate event of a fire. In addition, hosts should also see to it that all key emergency contact numbers are posted somewhere visible, like near a telephone or in the welcome book next to your house rules or Wi-Fi details.
3. Provide Ample Storage Space

Families that are travelling with kids come with a lot of extra baggage (and not the emotional kind). They might, for example, travel with a pram, carry a cot, or their own feeding chair. In addition to these larger items, they also have toys (think many small Lego bricks and crayons), a nappy bag, bottles, etc., for which they will need a place to store them.
4. Create A Play Corner

Parents will appreciate a kid-friendly home or room so that there is space for their children to play. To make this corner and their stay even more special, try to provide a few toys. You do not necessarily need to buy anything new as the chances are good that you have a few things laying around, like a ball, blank paper, crayons, and picture books, that will keep them entertained. Just make sure that it is age-appropriate toys (no small parts for children younger than three) and disinfect it between stays.
Wrapping Things Up
These are just a couple of ideas to help you know how to make a child-friendly home and create a space that is more geared towards younger guests. In short, you will want to ensure that your place is safe (that should be your first priority) and that guests will know what to do in the event of an accident. However, do not stop there. Guests traveling with children will appreciate small gestures like adequate storage space and age-appropriate entertainment. It does not take a lot to impress a kid, and something small, like a coloring book, will make them feel special.