Open House Do’s and Don’ts: What Realtors Want You to Know

As a home buyer, open house tips can be a great way to get an inside look at properties you’re interested in. However, realtors have specific do’s and don’ts they wish all open house visitors knew. Following their guidance can help you make the best impression and gather the needed information. From arriving prepared to avoid disruptive behaviors, there are a few key things realtors want you to keep in mind when attending an open house. So, get ready to tour like a pro for open house tips.

Open House Do’s: Making the Most of Your Open House

The open house is your chance to get an up-close look at a potential new home. Follow a few simple rules to make the most of this vital step in the home-buying process.

Arrive Early and be Prepared

One of the best things you can do is attend the open house early. This gives you time to speak with the realtor, ask questions, and thoroughly explore the property before other buyers arrive. Moreover, come prepared with a list of questions. The most important open house ‘do’ is to come prepared with a list of thoughtful questions about the property and neighborhood. This shows the agent you’re seriously interested in the home.

So try not to be late and create the first impression.

Be Respectful

Remember, you’re essentially a guest in someone’s home (even if they don’t live there anymore). Treat the open house like a professional setting. Sign in at the door and introduce yourself to the agent. Keep conversations respectful and avoid loud phone calls or boisterous chatter with your companions. Let others have a chance to explore the space, and remember that silence can be a great way to truly appreciate the home’s ambiance.

Ask Questions and Engage with The Realtor

Don’t be afraid to chat with the realtor and ask many questions. This is your opportunity to learn as much as you can about the home, the community, and the overall real estate market. Ask about things like the home’s features, the selling history, and what life is like in the neighborhood. Also, about the local area, including details about the community, school district, and neighborhood amenities. This will give you a better sense of what living in the home would be like. The more you engage, the better equipped you’ll be to decide if this is the right home for you.

Take Notes and Photos (With Permission)

Open houses can be a whirlwind. Therefore, don’t rely solely on memory. Bring a notepad to record important information about the house, such as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms or other noteworthy features. Furthermore, don’t forget the photos. But here’s the golden rule: always ask for permission. Realtors appreciate your enthusiasm, but they’ll guide you to the photogenic spots. So, snap away, but with grace.

As a buyer, take detailed notes and photos during the tour whenever possible. This will help you remember the important details later on when you’re considering an offer. Taking notes and photos shows the realtor you’re interested in the home and want to consider all the details carefully.

Do Look for Damage

When touring a home during an open house, it’s essential to check out every nook and cranny. Open up each door, cabinet, and closet to get a good look inside. Taking a few extra minutes to peek into all the little spaces will help you get a complete picture of the property.

While you’re snooping around, look for any signs of issues. Look for water spots on the walls and ceilings. Additionally, look for any cracks in the walls or foundation. Take a good look at appliances and fixtures are they older models that may need replacing soon? Seeing minor problems now can save you headaches later. Reviewing details can highlight potential costs. Open houses allow for a thorough property inspection before making an offer.

Follow Up with the Realtor After the Event

The open house may be over, but the conversation can continue. Don’t hesitate to follow up with the agent if something interests you. A quick email thanking them for their time and mentioning specific aspects you liked shows your genuine interest. It could lead to a private showing, during which you can learn more about the property and discuss your needs in more detail. Remember, a timely follow-up can set you apart from the crowd.

Open House Don’ts: Pitfalls to Avoid

Just as there are essential don’ts to remember, some key don’ts can help you avoid making a poor impression at an open house. Avoid these common missteps.

Don’t Come Unprepared or Rushed

Open houses are a launching pad for your home search, not the finish line. Arriving unprepared or rushed can hinder your ability to gather valuable information. While exploring different properties is exciting, remember that open houses are for general browsing, not private showing. Furthermore, be prepared to share the space with other attendees. Focus on understanding the house’s layout, flow, and overall vibe. If something interests you, take notes and follow up with the agent for a more in-depth tour.

Oversharing Information

Open houses are a social setting, but remember, you’re surrounded by strangers. Avoid disclosing personal financial information like your budget or how urgently you need to buy. The agent is there to answer questions about the property, not your financial situation. Keep conversations focused on the house itself. Real estate veteran Nicholas McMillan of Hire Realty, emphasizes this by saying, “Sharing personal financial details at an open house is a big no-no. You want to protect your privacy and avoid giving the seller any negotiating leverage.”

Don’t Be Disruptive or Touch Anything Without Permission

While open houses offer an opportunity to see, keep in mind that you are effectively a visitor at someone’s house. Don’t be disruptive, and show respect for the area. Furthermore, don’t blast music on your phone or have loud conversations. Treat personal belongings with care. Don’t open drawers or cabinets without permission; avoid letting young children run wild. If you need to use the restroom, ask the agent first. Following these simple courtesies ensures a pleasant experience for everyone.

Don’t Defy the House Rules

Open houses sometimes come with specific guidelines set by the seller or agent. These rules are there for a reason, so respecting them is crucial. Look for signs at the entrance mentioning house rules, like removing shoes or no pets allowed.

Comply with these requests to avoid any awkward situations. If unsure about something, don’t hesitate to ask the agent. They’ll be pleased to answer any questions about house rules and make sure everyone having an open house has a great day.


Open houses are a valuable opportunity for home buyers, but navigating them cautiously is essential. You can make the most of each open house visit by following the key do’s and don’ts that realtors recommend. Arrive prepared, engage thoughtfully with the agent, and be mindful of your behavior. Approach open house tips with this guidance, and you’ll be well on your way to finding your perfect new home. The open house is yours to conquer – just be sure to do it correctly.

Also read this interesting article:

Open House Optimisation: Tips to Showcase Your Property and Attract Eager Buyers

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