Best Robotic Pool Cleaner Review: Dolphin Nautilus CC

This invention is so unique that has caught our researcher’s attention, and which has made us to write a review of this robotic swimming pool cleaner. Writing a review of any product is normally avoided by us however, overlooking it for the beneficiary of our readers and buyers we are writing this review for highlighting it’s extra ordinary innovative features!

A Comprehensive Review of the Dolphin Nautilus CC Robotic Pool Cleaner: Is It Worth It?

For most pool owners, maintaining and cleaning their pool is a challenging job. But it doesn’t have to be if you have if you are armed with the best equipment. With the proper budget, you can get yourself an excellent automatic pool cleaner capable of not just cleaning your swimming pool floor.
One such gadget is the Dolphin Nautilus CC pool cleaning robot. It is part of Maytronics’ Dolphin line of robotic pool cleaners designed to meet the needs of all large swimming pools with obstacles. The Nautilus CC is an innovative, self-contained, user-friendly pool cleaner that performs as promised. It can filter, vacuum, and scrub your in-ground pool for up to 50 feet or 15m in length.

The pool cleaning machine features an exceptional scanning ability that can figure out your pool size and dimensions automatically for efficient cleaning.

Why Should I Get the Dolphin Nautilus CC?

The Dolphin Nautilus CC can take care of cleaning the walls, floor, and even cove of your pool.  The unit is easy to operate and lightweight. Although it has a higher price tag compared to its competitors, the pool cleaning system has outstanding durability and functionality, making it worth your investment.

Maytronics equipped this pool cleaning robot with the latest Clever Clean Technology.  This extremely reliable navigation system can scan your pool and allows the robotic pool cleaner to estimate the best route, no matter what the shape or surface of your pool.
It has the capability to clean different pool shapes and sizes. You can relax under the sun and watch the robot as it continuously does its job for three hours and powers down on its own. The unit comes with a 50 feet cable and a built-in anti-tangling system, so you don’t have to worry about keeping it from getting all tangled up throughout its operation.
Maytronics also made an extensive improvement on the water release system of this Dolphin unit. Cleaning your swimming pool has never been this convenient and simple. So if you’re wondering what is the best pool cleaning robot to buy in the US, the Dolphin Nautilus CC is one of those that you should be checking out.

Product Specification:

  • Dimensions: 16″ x 10″ x16″
  • Weight: 19 lbs.
  • Pool Type: In-ground
  • Warranty: One year
  • Motor: Dual-drive, 24 volts
  • Power Supply: 30 volts

Key Features:

  • The robotic pool cleaner comes with the Clever Clean Technology, one of the best and most precise navigation systems around from cleaning your whole swimming pool.
  • It utilizes cartridge filters for trapping debris and dirt from your pool.
  • Its active brush has a spinning power twice as fast as the pool cleaner itself for removing dirt stuck on your pool.
  • It has a fast release mechanism that removes water quickly when you lift the pool cleaning robot from your pool.
  • Its built-in anti-tangle system prevents its cable from getting tangled or stuck during pool cleaning.
  • The machine comes with two filters for accumulating small and large debris, as well as two rotating brushes.
  • Its weekly timers are highly efficient and capable of saving energy.

Ergonomic Build and Design:

Weighing at around 19 pounds (8.6kg), the Dolphin Nautilus CC comes in a sleek black finish with a large-capacity filter container polished in blue.
The machine uses fours to run which are equally attached intuitively on its sides. The cable, on the other hand, is connected in a slot located on the top of the device. This portable automatic pool cleaner is made primarily of plastic with a surface that’s water and dirt-proof.

Ease of Use:

One of the best things about this robot is the level of interaction required for its operation. It can perform cleaning tasks the moment you took it out of its box. Simply plug its power supply in a GFCI outlet, and it’s good to go. Its cable can even float on your swimming pools surface for maneuverability.

Robotic Pool Cleaner in Swimming Pool

It can work non-stop for three hours, which is the time needed to clean most pools, and after that, the unit will shut off on its own. Plus it doesn’t need filter bags as with other pool cleaning machines.
The robot’s spring clean-up and cartridge are a breeze to clean. It’s also self-programmed, so you don’t need outside installation or direction. Compared to other pool cleaning robots, you don’t need to connect the Dolphin Nautilus CC to a pool system. Simply plug it in, sit back, and watch as it scours your swimming pool.

Easy Portability:

At 19 pounds, the Nautilus CC is quite lightweight for an automatic pool cleaner, and it can get itself out of the water once done with its cleaning task. Thus, portability is maximized by this robot in a range of pool cleaning robots notorious for combining bulky design and weight into a pain to maneuver around.

Warranty and Maintenance:

Aside from the device being user-friendly, installing and cleaning its screens for capturing debris in pool water takes little time. Furthermore, the unit comes with a one year warranty, starting from your purchase date including replacements, labour, and spare parts.


  • It can efficiently vacuum, filter, and scrub all types of pool surface entirely in a matter of three hours.
  • Operation is pretty quiet.
  • It’s great at siphoning dirt and debris from your pool.
  • It provides value for your money when comparing its price to the service it can provide you.
  • Simple to set up and use, thus saving you a lot of cleaning time.
  • Capable of cleaning irregular pool walls and surfaces.


  • It’s not ideal for cleaning angles and pool steps.
  • There are other robotic pool cleaners that are lighter in weight.
  • You may encounter problems when collecting larger debris like leaves.

On a final note, there are plenty of reasons to like the Dolphin Nautilus CC Robotic Pool Cleaner. It can provide you with a deep cleaning that will truly satisfy you combined with fantastic energy efficiency. It is a reasonably priced powerful, user-friendly robot with highly advanced features such as its Clever Clean Technology. Overall, it will be a great addition to your cleaning tools jam-packed with all the things a pool owner needs.

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