Want a Silvery Look of Your Tabletop?… Follow 11 Steps!

  • Published : 19th January, 2019
  • Updated : 23rd August, 2024

For enhancing the look of your interior, the furniture plays an important role. Any tabletop you use for the display & show areas such as center or side table / end table of your house, you can easily remodel it’s look in silvery or golden finish. Yes, now it is simple & you can do it by yourself!

It is very common that people get bored of using the old furniture even though it is precious. People always want the newness with the trend! Here we have tried the idea to add uniqueness to your room by remodeling your tabletop in simple given steps.

Silvering the tabletop

You’ll need the following things before to start remodeling your wooden tabletop (side table / end table):

Wooden tablePrimer or a grey latex base coat (used as base for Duco paint)Metallic leaf – sizing liquid (or spray) to fix the leaves
Metallic leaves or Silver foilFine cotton fabricSoft goat hair flat brush
Clear polyurethane or varnish for coatingSandpaper of 220 number
Things you need-Table, Primer, Sizing liquid, Silver foil, & Varnish


Here are steps which you can follow to get the silver finish of your tabletop:  
Step – 1

First you should make sure that the furniture surface or tabletop you are leafing or silvering is smooth enough otherwise rub it with sandpaper of 220 number (if required).

Furniture top should be smooth-otherwise rub with sandpaper
Step – 2

Now apply a coat of transparent primer over tabletop to ensure a smoother finish. Let it dry & then add a coat of metallic leaf – sizing liquid (clear liquid used for silver /gold leaf or foil).

Apply the coat of Transparent primer-let it dry & apply coat of sizing liquid
Step – 3

The silver leaves are delicate so work in a protected area. The sizing should be soft & sticky (gooey) and not wet when you start applying the leaves!

Silver leaves are delicate-work in protected area-sizing liquid should be soft & sticky to fix silver foil
Step – 4

Now, how to apply the delicate silver leaf?…don’t worry it’s a simple technique. Remove the single sheet of leaf. Transfer the paper as shown in figure and gently apply with your fingers or flat brush edge to edge!

Remove the single sheet of paper & apply to the surface
Step – 5

Simply peel the back paper carefully to leave the leaf adhered to the tabletop surface.

Peel the back paper to leave the leaf adhered on surface
Step – 6

Now repeat the above two steps till the entire surface is covered.

Note: You can also overlap the sheets for even coverage.

Repeat the above two steps for covering the entire surface
Step – 7

Touch up the areas where the leaves are torn.

Touch up the areas where leaves got torn off
Step – 8

Gently loose the flakes with a soft brush or a soft cloth as shown in figure.

Loose the flakes with soft brush or cloth
Step – 9

Once the tabletop surface is covered with silver leaf, now it’s time to add a protective coat.

Once surface is fully covered with silver apply the protective coat layer
Step – 10

Now apply the two layers of clear polyurethane (PU) with a flat brush as shown in figure.

Apply two layer of clear polyurethane
Step – 11

Allow adequate time to dry for each coat – few hours are enough!

Allow to dry for few hours

Image Courtesy –   Amrita Shah & Shiresh R Karrale

Following these steps, you can get a fresh new look of your wooden table, which is very easy & can boost the look of your interiors!

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