Lawn Care 101: 7 Tips for Maintaining Trees!

Your home’s upkeep doesn’t only entail the interior, but you need to take care of the exterior too. This means your lawn or yard should be maintained and cared for at any season of the year. And if you have large or small trees near in your yard, you also need to know how to properly care for them. Check this site

Trees make your home look aesthetically more beautiful, helps in eliminating floodwater in case of calamities, and refresh the air quality around your home. Trees provide you with shade too, after a long day of yard work.

Trees Maintenance Tips

Read along with this article to find some practical tips for maintaining trees and ways to ensure the longevity of your trees.

01. Protect the Tree Roots

Protect Tree Roots

Tree roots shouldn’t be driven over by heavy equipment or cars. If some trees are near your driveway, make sure everyone avoids the tree roots. Driving over the roots will compact the soil, resulting in damage to tree roots.

You can ask or verify with an arborist tree doctor Salt Lake City first if you intend to add or remove more soil from the tree canopies. They usually know if it’s good or bad for your trees. Whatever changes you do, make sure it won’t damage or affect the condition of the tree roots, as they’re the prime foundation of your tree’s life.

02. Trim Trees Regularly

Trimming Tree

A healthy tree needs to be trimmed consistently. If you fail to do so, it’ll grow uncontrollably bushy and become a nuisance to your house and surroundings.

For new branches to grow, dead leaves and stems should be removed with pruning. When you feel like your trees are growing out of control, that’s the time you have to trim them so the branches and leaves won’t get too close to your house. When this happens, the branches could damage your house paint or, worse, break your window glass. Alternatively, you can hire tree services offered by professional landscapers or gardeners who can handle tree maintenance for you.

If severe weather is imminent, your house could be seriously damaged by tree branches, so regularly have them trimmed to prevent that. Branches could sway drastically from strong winds, causing your windows to break.

03. Stay Alert For Tree Diseases

Tree Disease

You should keep an eye on your trees regularly to know if they’re changing and check their health and condition from time to time. When a tree is diseased, it’s best to diagnose it as early as possible. This will give you ample time to find ways to save it. Rapid discoloration or even slow growth are some things you’ll need to look at. When in doubt, you can seek help from an arborist; they should know what’s up with your tree.

Despite the care a tree receives, there are two enemies to watch out for – pests and diseases. In many ways, these culprits can affect the condition of your tree. Be sure to observe your tree for spots, fungi, or changes in structure to prevent this. When you see signs like these, act as early as possible and treat them right away.

First, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with trees and their diseases, so you could notice any visible changes with any trees in your property. Although it could be overwhelming to study all there is to know about trees, it’s enough to research about the ones that you have in your yard. You can check out online resources about the trees’ species and check which pests and diseases they’re prone to. You should also research how they should be cared for.

04. Water As Needed – Watering Tree

Watering Tree

When you first have a tree planted in your yard, you need to water it regularly. This helps the tree carry nutrients throughout, and it helps the tree to stand perpendicular to the ground. Don’t overlook this tip, most especially if you live in a warmer area. Also, during summer, when you don’t get much rain, you need to water your trees regularly.

Because older trees have more extensive root systems, they can draw water from the ground beneath them. This means you typically don’t have to water them as much as you would a young tree.

05. Mulching Tree Properly

Mulching Tree

The benefits mulch provides your trees extend beyond its use as a decorative element. Mulch is capable of insulating the ground and is specifically helpful for trees that have been replanted.

Your tree’s size will determine how much mulch you need. You’ll need to invest in this procedure a little, but that’s fine, as this will ensure the health and upkeep of your trees.

Here are the fantastic benefits of mulching trees:

  • Provides a buffer from the cold and heat to the soil.
  • Helps moisten roots, so they stay hydrated all the time.
  • Eliminates weeds from the garden, so roots can move comfortably.
  • Enhances the quality of soil underground and aboveground.

Here’s how you can do mulching for your tree:

  • Remove the grass around your tree for up to 10 feet. (if you have a large tree).
  • Put 2 to 4 inches of bark or wood chips within the circle. (These are your natural and organic mulch.)
  • Make sure the mulch won’t touch the tree trunks.

If you want to know more about mulching then read

06. Fertilize if Necessary

Tree Fertilizer

If you want your trees to grow to their full potential, you should fertilize them regularly. Young trees will require fertilizing until you notice substantial growth. Although mature trees don’t need to be fertilized, it won’t do your trees any harm if you do so anyway. Just make sure you’re using harmless and organic tree fertilizers.

You can get the correct fertilizer by testing the soil to see which nutrients it lacks. You should fertilize yellow-leafed or stunted plants as soon as possible. This is one sign that they badly need to be fertilized. Plants and trees should only be fertilized to the recommended amount.

07. Leave Them Be

Tree Growth

The growth of trees doesn’t depend on humans. Sometimes you have to trust nature to make it live and regenerate on its own. Trees thrive in their natural environment, but humans may sometimes inadvertently damage them. For example, when you park a car near a tree, this somehow moves and shifts the tree roots beneath the soil.

In some cases, homeowners want to build their structure around a beautiful tree to allow the tree’s beauty to enhance their home. This also kills or affects the growth of the tree. Trees cannot be supported unless the roots are two to three times longer than the branches. Keep this in mind so that the next time you plan to construct something in the yard, you’ll have enough distance away from the trees.


Take advantage of these tree maintenance tips so you know how to take care of your trees. Don’t underestimate the importance of your trees. They’re not only easy on the eyes, make your home look stunning, but also save you during calamities. Keep your trees healthy, not just for you but for the sake of helping Mother Earth.

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