Where To Build A House – A Perfect Guide

  • Published : 27th July, 2022
  • Updated : 23rd December, 2022

A home is a place where we live. It is not just humans who build homes, every living being, may it be animals and birds, make a home for themselves. While the basic idea is to protect oneself from harsh weather conditions, disasters and catastrophes, for humans it is also about emotions. Very often, the decision to build a home and where to build a house may be governed by multiple reasons such as skyrocketing rent, growing family, the pursuit of comfort etc.

Once you decide to build a house, the next step is how to figure out where to live or how to decide where to move. Choosing the best place to buy land and build a house is critical for several reasons because everyone’s needs and preferences differ slightly.

Where To Build A House

There are multiple things to consider while narrowing down your list of what to look for in a new home. Usually, the location is right at the top. You may have the largest, most beautiful home in the world, but if it is in an undesirable location, you will not be able to enjoy it.

Let’s take a look at the things to consider before you build a house that will help you make the right decision on how to choose a place to live.

What Are The Factors You Should Consider In Choosing A Location For Your New House?

01. Security

Home Security System

According to ‘Catherine Pulsifer’ (Author and Editor of Words of Wisdom), “Home is where we should feel secured and comfortable”. The safety of people and property is critical in any residential area. Therefore, the home security factor should not be taken lightly. Before you begin anything, you shall investigate the security system available at the site and its surroundings.

02. Convenience

Convenience On Location

Generally, we want to live in a place where we prefer proximity to schools, offices, hospitals, recreational centers, shopping centers, places of worship, friends, and family. Living close to such facilities and amenities reduces our travel time, fuel expenses, and exposure to the outdoors if we live in harsh climates.

Besides, we also desire to live in locations, which can be easily reached by the main roads of the city with minimal traffic. Thus, the best house location is one of the very important factors that one must be careful about before making any decision.

03. Comfortable

Comfortable Location

Comfort means a stress-free living space that is free from elements like heat, cold, darkness, brightness, noise, and pollution. Feeling comfortable is psychological and also subjective as it differs from person to person.

Thus, it is not always easy to determine how comfortable a location is for you. Convenience and security are important considerations, but comfort too must be placed high on the priority list.

If you’re thinking about moving somewhere to a new location, make sure you understand the typical weather patterns and that you’re comfortable with the surrounding climatic conditions before making a decision. Many people overlook this factor, but it is very essential.

04. Budget-Friendly

Location Should Budget-Friendly

It is necessary to understand the cost of the overall project before moving on to the actual plan of a dream house. Desirable location, size of the plot, design, procurement route (Procurement is the process of purchasing building materials or services. The procurement route is the route chosen for the transportation of building materials or services.), project management, as well as construction type and quality can affect the cost.

05. Affordability

Affordability At Location

Affordability involves more than just how much you pay for housing. The amount you pay for taxes and utility services such as electricity and water varies significantly from one town to the next. So ask yourself whether you can afford all this or not?

06. Neighborhood And Surrounding Area

Neighborhood And Surrounding Area

American author Robert Fulghum says, “Good neighbours make a huge difference in the quality of life. I agree.”

The area you choose can have a significant impact on how happy you are in your new home. If you move to an unsafe neighbourhood and surrounding area that is always dirty, you may find yourself unhappy there. Additionally, if your neighbours are unwelcoming, this can have an impact on your happiness.

07. Property Value

Property Value

If you are going to construct a new home, the property value is an important factor that you need to consider, especially if you wish to sell it in the future.

08. Nearby Amenities

Nearby Amenities At Location

Homeowners commonly underestimate the value of having amenities close to their residence. According to ‘Aristotle’, “The quality of life is determined by its activities.”

Yet, these are things to think about if you have recreational hobbies like reading, walking, swimming, playing games, meditation, and dancing or want to involve yourself in cultural activities. If you have convenient amenities like a park, swimming pool, playground, meditation centre etc nearby you, you’re more likely to be happy in your new home.

09. Daily Commutation

Daily Commutation

While deciding on how to choose an area to live, it’s a good idea to consider how long your daily commutation duration will be. If you don’t mind a daily up–down or drive, this may not be a significant factor for you.

However, if you move somewhere that requires you to drive two hours each day in heavy traffic, you may want to reconsider your home’s location. ‘Geoff Mulgan‘ (Chief Executive Officer of NESTA) states, “The longer you commute, the less happy you’re likely to be.” Additionally, keep in mind that long commutes have a negative impact on your quality of life.

10. Social Connection

Social Connection

Social connection means being connected to your society and others (i.e. family and friends). If you work as a social worker and need to visit places regularly for social reasons, you should consider where to build a house. If you choose a location of the house with this consideration, then you can easily manage your personal, professional and social life.

11. Education


African-American minister ‘Malcolm X’ said that education is the passport to the future.

Good education is essential to prepare children for a successful future. That is why it is important to select a location that is close to excellent schools, colleges, and universities. You should consider the quality of public schools too because tuition for private schools can be extremely expensive.

As we discussed, there are many important factors to consider when deciding on a best house location. However, if you keep these considerations in mind, you’ll have no trouble finding an ideal place for your new home.

On a final note, the best places to build a house influences many aspects of your life, including your quality of life, school options, commutation duration, and social interactions. Even if you build your dream house, you should never compromise on its location.

The reality of finding a new best place to move entails a wide range of important factors, many of which we have discussed here. To find the best place for you and your family, you must first decide on your priority. Ask yourself, what is the most important factor for you? Then do your research and keep searching. While it can be frustrating at times, all your hard work and effort will reward you when you find your perfect location and see your dream home shaping up.

Perfect House! Perfect Location!!

Enjoy your dream house and its location!!!

The dream of building a new home is on everyone’s wish list. However, once you have decided where to build a house, consider the following points before you start your dream house construction

Things to Keep in Mind While Constructing Your New House!

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