New York is the city where time is valued, so when a New Yorker has some free time for cleaning their home, they want to make sure they get the most sparkling results and fast! Our cleaning service asked some of our clients and friends to share the cleaning hacks that help them maintain immaculate homes while living busy lifestyles. Here’s the collection of house cleaning wisdom from the tidiest residents of New York City.
Cleaning Tips from New Yorkers
01. Get Rid of Dust, Not Relocate It

When you dust with a feather duster, you lift dust (and, hence, allergens) into the air rather than remove it. Instead, wipe your coffee tables, drawers, shelves, windowsills, and other hard surfaces with a damp microfiber cloth. This material effectively traps dust and light dirt even without cleaning supplies on it. If you want to make the process even faster (because microfiber cloth requires washing after each use), dust hard, non-mirror surfaces with antibacterial wet wipes.
02. Don’t Leave a Chance to Mold

Mold spores often appear in wet places, such as a window frame, fridge, sponge caddy, or bathroom tiles. While most people notice mold when it is already awful, it is easy to get rid of it at a very early stage by scrubbing it with a toothbrush soaked in either white vinegar or chlorine/oxygen bleach. But never mix these two cleaning agents!
03. Develop the “All-Purpose-Brief-Wiping” Habit

Always have an all-purpose cleaner spray and paper towels at hand in your kitchen to wipe the counter, tiles, stovetop, cabinets, and appliances at the end of the day or right after intense cooking. If left for a long time, greasy splashes bake on and create a nasty sticky film on kitchen surfaces that will later require a more heavy-duty product and hours of thorough cleaning (which busy people of New York simply don’t have).
04. Clean Stainless Steel Wisely

A stainless steel sink and counters look gorgeous, and this beauty can be pretty long-lasting if we take care of it properly. When deep cleaning, say, a stainless steel sink, scrub it following the grain rather than in chaotic motion to avoid leaving ugly scratches. Always use only stainless-steel-friendly cleaning supplies. When in doubt, go with a “green” homemade baking soda paste (soda + water).
05. Erase Wall Stains in a Blink

Living a hectic life in New York City leaves an imprint on our homes, literally, in the form of smears, stains, and crayon scribbles on the walls. However, busy schedules are no longer an excuse for having messy walls since New York residents know a simple wall cleaning secret. Dip a cloth or a sponge into the fabric softener and gently rub the stains. If needed, leave for 10-15 minutes to work. Then wipe the surface with a clean wet sponge and tap dry with paper towels.
06. Make Your Own All-Purpose Cleaning Product

The safest cleaning product is the one you can eat, right? Mix white vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio in a spray bottle to get a multi-purpose and eco-friendly cleaner that can effectively cope with different cleaning chores around your house. You can use it for cleaning windows and mirrors (instead of an expensive glass cleaner), fixtures, bathroom tiles, or a medicine cabinet. It is also effective for removing soap scum from shower doors and even deep cleaning the inside of your fridge. It perfectly dissolves all the grime and smear and removes the foul odor.
07. Make Carpet Cleaning a Breeze

Carpets and rugs make our indoor spaces warming and welcoming. However, to enjoy uncompromised comfort under your feet, you will need to order some thorough carpet cleaning service once in a few months (because if you are a regular New Yorker, it’s hard to imagine you have time for the carpet elbow grease). However, there’s something (except vacuuming during your regular house cleaning) you can do to add to the cleanliness of your carpets. After vacuuming, sparkle some soda over the carpet and let it work for at least an hour or so to absorb foul odors and dissolve stains. After that vacuum it once again. Remember that pet hair can be removed with a squeegee, while stains from the cat litter will disappear with the help of liquid detergent and some oxygen bleach.
If you want to know more about carpet cleaning, then read our detailed article: Rugs & Carpet Cleaning Tips for Your Home
The Last and Most Important Cleaning Advice from New York Citizens
Don’t clean if you don’t want to. Really. If you feel your life is more fulfilling when you do something else rather than clean, go get it and call a maid service for a cleanup. Life is more balanced when everybody’s at its place doing their best thing. A maid service cleaning. You — doing what you love.
We have also other house cleaning tips article which might be helpful for you. Refer following link: