10 Effective Ways Of Getting Rid Of Dust Mites From Your Homes

Do you know that a dust mite produces dust particles in the air amounting to 200 times its body weight over its course of life by droppings? The worst thing about its droppings is that they trigger many allergic reactions and health issues, including watery eyes, breathing difficulties, itching, coughing, and nasal congestion.

But first, what are dust mites?

 Okay, dust mites are tiny creatures that live in dust particles. They like surfaces that trap dust, like carpeting, mattresses, and fabrics, as they provide food for them.

And is there any way I can get rid of dust mites for good? Well, yes, in this blog, Gharpedia shares effective ways to get rid of dust mites from your homes. However, getting rid of dust mites is an ongoing process, and you must perform these measures regularly to prevent dust mites.

10 Effective Ways of Getting Rid of Dust Mites from Your Homes

01. Adding Protective Covering to Your Mattresses

Adding a protective covering to your pillows, mattresses, and box springs is one of the simplest ways to get rid of dust mites. Do you know why? It is because the dust mites won’t be able to get their supply of food from the dead skin cells and eventually die off.

However, you should also ensure to steam clean the mattress at least twice a year to kill the mites. 

Also, check:

13 Simple Mattress Maintenance Tips for a Clean and Comfy Bed

02. Cleaning Your Beddings Frequently

Our beds are as cosy for the dust mites as they are for us. They’re moist, warm, and have endless food for dust mites. This is why cleaning dust mites from the bedding and changing the bed linens often restricts the growth of dust mites.

Also, ensure that you change all the washable bedding and clean it at least every week in hot water. Doing so would enable you to remove the allergens and kill the dust mites. For items that are not washable, you need to place them in a tumble dryer at a high temperature every week for at least 15 minutes.

You can also kill the dust mites by placing the non-washable items in a plastic bag and freezing them for 24 hours.

03. Prevent Dust Mites with Low Room Temperatures

Among all the dust-mite removal methods, this one is the easiest. Keep the temperatures in your home cool to get rid of dust mites. Although it doesn’t prevent dust mites, it keeps them from multiplying and breeding quickly.

Dust mites thrive in temperatures ranging from 67 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit. So, setting your room temperature below 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20˚C) would be advisable.

04. Removing Heavy Windows Coverings and Cleaning Dust Mites

Fabrics attract dust, and dust attracts dust mites. To control them in your home, you must avoid heavy curtains or other window coverings that can’t be frequently washed, especially in bedroom areas.

Wooden blinds that are regularly dusted or heavy drapes that can be machine washed would go a long way in controlling the dust mites in your home.

05. Improving HVAC Air Filters to Prevent Dust Mites

The air conditioning system, a home’s heating, and a ventilation system play a significant role in controlling the dust in your home as air circulates through the filters. Cleaning or replacing the filters regularly in window air conditioners, humidifiers, air purifiers, dehumidifiers, clothes dryers, range hoods, and vacuums can reduce dust and dust mites in your home.

If your home has no central air handling system, adding air purifiers, including anti-allergen air purifiers, would come in handy in treating dust mites.

For details, click the link below:

8 Essential Tips To Damp Proof Your House

06. Reducing Humidity to Reduce Dust Mites in Home

Dust mites like humidity. Therefore, leaky windows, improper ductwork, and damp crawl spaces are the significant habitat of dust mites in your home. However, you can easily control the humidity by using a hygrometer to determine the humidity level and maintain it below 50%. 

You can also reduce the humidity level by using a humidifier on breezy days, opening windows, treating damp basements, using a vent system or fans when bathing or cooking, checking clothes dryer vents, and installing moisture barriers.

07. Dust Mites Cure: Removing Wall-to-Wall Carpeting

Do you know that wall-to-wall carpeting is a dust mite’s playground? The carpet fibres attract and hold dead skin cells that entice the dust mites, making them unsuitable for someone with a severe dust mite allergy.

So, instead of using wall-to-wall carpets, it is advisable to use carpets with tile wood, laminate, or vinyl, as they can be dry-mopped. You can also add washable area rugs for underfoot comfort.

If you can’t remove the carpet, vacuum it with a vacuum cleaner that uses a HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter. Steam cleaning is also an additional dust mite cure, but ensure that the steamer reaches above 200 degrees Fahrenheit.

08. Eradicate Dust Mites with Natural Oils

According to a research study published in 2014, you can use cloves to control dust mites. However, its effectiveness would depend on the time you’d allow it in the dust-infested area and its concentration.

To prevent oil from leaving stains on surfaces, ensure that you combine it with water or diffuse it into the air. Mix a few drops of the oil with baking soda, and spray it over the fabric surfaces. Then, vacuum the baking soda away.

09. Keeping Your Pets Clean

If there is something dust mites love most, it is pet dander. So, to keep them at bay, groom your pets regularly and wash their bedding at least once a week. If you’ve got a pet that sheds a lot, a pet hair vacuum would come in handy. Vacuuming your pets will also protect your pets from dust allergies.

10. Reducing Clutter

We all love to hoard things that we may never use. But do you know that the more you hoard, the more space you make for collecting dust, which is the main attraction of dust mites?  While clearing the clutter is the best way out, if you are stubborn on retaining a few of them, the best way to get rid of dust mites is to keep all collectibles in a glass-enclosed storage cabinet or a covered box to keep them dust-free. Also, you can rotate only a few things on display to make dusting easier.

Although getting rid of dust mites from your home is not a walk in the park, the above methods would help you reduce their number drastically and neutralise their threat. How do you control dust mites in your home? Kindly leave a comment in the comment box below.

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FAQs (Bold)

01. How to get rid of dust mites permanently?

The only way to get rid of dust mites permanently is regular cleaning and dusting your home. Initially, the dust mites will reduce in numbers, and eventually they will be eradicated completely. Continue regular dusting and cleaning as a preventative measure.

02. How to clean dust mites from the bed?

Start by removing bedsheets and mattress covers. Dust and vacuum mattresses and bedding. Lastly, cover your mattress with fresh, washed, and cleaned bedsheets and covers. Repeat the process once every week because getting rid of dust mites is not a one-time thing. Regular dusting and cleaning keep dust mites at bay.

03. Can vacuum cleaner remove dust mites?

Yes! Vacuum cleaner with HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter is effective in removing dust mites. However, take up regular vacuuming as a preventative measure.

04. Which is the best way to kill dust mites?

The best way to kill dust mites is to wash and clean dust mite carriers with hot water. If cleaning is not possible or the object is not washable, then wrap the object in plastic and keep it in the freezer for 24 hours. However, continue the dusting and cleaning process regularly.

05. How do you kill dust mites in mattresses?

Steam the mattress, keeping the steamer above 200F. Another option is to mix a few drops of any natural oil with baking soda, and spray it over the mattress surface, and then vacuum the baking soda away.

06. How to keep dust mites out of your house?

Decluttering, regular dusting, and cleaning keep dust mites at bay. Additionally, keep low temperatures around 68F and humidity levels below 50%.

Getting rid of dust mites is one way to keep your air healthy, however, there are other ways for keeping air clean, check out here: 17 Easy Steps: How to Keep Air Clean at Home

Author Bio

Jennifer Kiminza – Jennifer Kiminza is a content writer and content marketing professional at Hub Spot, an inbound marketing and sales platform that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. Previously, Jennifer worked as a marketing manager for a tech software startup. She graduated with honors from Nairobi University with a dual degree in Business Administration and Creative Writing.

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