Here’s a video to sum up all the points mentioned below:
According to the famous romantic poet William Wordsworth, “Nature never did betray the heart that loved her.” But the poet had probably forgotten the pests and bugs that infest our homes occasionally, leaving us working out the best way to keep the bugs away. The bugs are one of the most irritating snags of the monsoon, having the potential to cause many diseases. Though a wide range of chemicals, pesticides, and insecticides weigh down the store racks, Gharpedia, through this blog, brings you a compilation of home remedies for pest control in the monsoon. Using these time-tested remedies, you can surely get a pest-free home.
The monsoon is one of the most-awaited seasons because of the pleasant atmosphere it creates. Besides getting natural relief from the scorching heat, the rainy season offers fresh natural beauty. But with the bliss comes some snags like pests and bug infestation which requires monsoon pest control.
However, we also know that where there is a will, there is a way. You can combat these pesky bugs with little effort and have an insect-proof house. It is possible to enjoy the monsoon season to the fullest if we plan properly and implement ideas to eliminate insects in the house. We can achieve a pest-free home and be proud of it by cleverly opting for the best way to keep bugs away.
Monsoon is a season of humid and wet climate; hence, it acts as the best breeding season for mosquitoes, ants, insects, bugs, moulds, fungi, etc. We can ward them off if we introduce and maintain some changes in and around our home with the meticulous use of natural or chemical insecticides and pesticides. However, by now it is obvious that natural and home remedies for pest control during the monsoon are the best ways to keep bugs away.
25 Ways to Get Rid of Insects in the House during Monsoon
You may implement a few preventive measures in your weekly errands to get a pest-free home and then enjoy the rain without bothering much about the health threats caused by these rainy season insects or seasonal bugs. The below-mentioned points are some handy and best ways to get an insect-proof house:

01. Declutter the clutter in and around your home. It’s better not to accumulate unwanted clutter, as we often think of disposing of it later, but never do. This causes a mess. Before the arrival of the monsoon, disperse them and clean the area thoroughly with bleaching powder or baking soda. It is one of the best home remedies for pest control in the monsoon.

Look around and dispose of unwanted things from your wardrobe, bookshelves, kitchen, storeroom, etc. The more clutter you hold, the greater the risk of the spreading menace. Clutter and the idea of a pest-free home go poorly together.

02. Clean the basement and the parking lot. Get the area cleaned with disinfectant before the start of the monsoon, and repeat the cleaning process every two weeks.
03. Regular rain often promotes unwanted moisture, providing a safe breeding ground for the unsightly green moss. They grow profusely and attract unwanted rainy-season insects.

Don’t let the moss and algae grow on your open track. It might prove hazardous for health, and people might get hurt slipping on the moss.
04. Don’t let the water stagnate on your premises. Not only is it unhealthy, but this stagnant water breeds mosquitoes, flies, and insects that reproduce at a breakneck pace. Dengue and Chikungunya mosquitoes too grow in stagnant water.

Consider removing empty vessels and pots from the balcony, ground, and rooftop, if any. If you cannot throw them away, place them inverted. Clean coolers, AC ducts, roofs, and corners of the balcony garden where there is the risk of water stagnation. Check your surroundings to find open pits, which can accumulate water. Get it repaired immediately, before the onset of the monsoon.
05. Cover the water tanks to avoid mosquitoes and ants. Contaminated water may increase the risk of water-borne diseases.
06. Mend the cracks, crevices, and holes. Take double care in closing the cracks, crevices, and tunnels by installing safe wire mesh, Plaster of Paris, and sealants. These are the places where the pests hide. They are harmful to the health of the inhabitants.

Also, you should take special care of the gas line and appliance vents; if found, you must block them with sealants.
07. Barricade the door top and bottom spaces with fine wire mesh to prevent the entry of pests into your safe home. Use door seals to fill gaps, if found.
08. Plant Tulsi/ Holy Basil in your home. Not only is it considered a sacred herb, but it also blocks the entry of bugs and insects into your premises.

The fragrance of Tulsi repels pests, and it is good to sniff for humans. Chewing ‘Tulsi’ leaves keeps coughs and colds away.
09. Try your best to keep your washroom air-dry.

Wet restrooms help moulds and fungus thrive, and even if attended timely, they might turn into breeding grounds for pests.
10. You should clean and dry your bathroom after every use. Consider using an exhaust fan to ward off the usual foul smell in the bathroom.

A dry bathroom is always safe for kids and seniors. Moulds and fungi may give rise to allergy and respiratory problems.
11. Use boiled or filtered water to prevent water-borne infections and diseases.

12. Wear covered trousers and shirts to protect yourself from mosquitoes, bugs, and insects.
13. Sprinkle bleaching powder on all nooks and corners of your staircase, rooftops, and basement area to control the entry of pests and get a pest-free home.

14. Place naphthalene balls inside your wardrobes, bathroom basins, bedding, and winter clothes to prevent the entry of pests.
15. Place 3-4 pieces of cloves in grains, cereals, and lentils.

It wards off ants, mites, and bugs.
16. In the kitchen, you can have pest control done to ward off cockroaches from cabinets.

These days, cockroach gel is available to keep them away.

17. Close all open holes in the house, as this prevents the intrusion of the rats.
18. Keep cloves inside the woollen and silk clothes. This is an inexpensive and sure-shot way to keep silverfish bugs away from your wardrobes.
19. Spread naphthalene balls and cloves under the mattresses to get rid of the foul odour and white ants. This is also the best way to keep bugs away.
20. Install a mosquito net screen for the doors and the windows.

Use a fine mesh for your doors and windows to get rid of insects in the house, such as mosquitoes, fleas, and other pests. It allows air to flow and yet blocks the pesky bugs.
21. Many brands have launched net screens for entries and windows. It saves you from pests without compromising on ventilation or lighting. Isn’t that one of the best ways to keep bugs away?

22. Discard leftover foods, as they invite rodents, roaches, ants, and flies into your house.
23. The use of covered waste baskets is highly recommended.

It will help you avoid spillage of food and remnants of the kitchen.

24. Clean your fridge weekly, and keep the newspaper in a vegetable basket to absorb extra moisture.
25. Clean your kitchen and bathroom drains with a mix of bleaching powder and vinegar. It will clear the clogs while killing the germs and bacteria growing in these places.
Essential Oils to Keep Pests Away

Essential oils are one of the best ways to keep bugs away from your house. These natural oils are safe to use in homes. It is a natural pest control to keep spiders, mosquitoes, bugs, mites, and many other rainy-season insects away.
- Peppermint oil may control ants, fleas, flies, beetles, moths, roaches, and spiders without the adverse effects of chemicals. Well, a pest-free home is not far away!
- Thyme oil can prevent chiggers, ticks, and beetles from entering your premises.
- Want an insect-proof house? Lemongrass can keep chiggers, fleas, mosquitoes, and ticks away from your house.
- Lavender oil is yet another essential oil that can restrict the entry of harmful chiggers, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, and ticks.
- A pest-free home can also be a reality by using Citronella oil, which can help you get rid of pesky mosquitoes, moths, and roaches.
These five essential oils are enough to manage the pest infestation in your home and the surroundings. Use these fragrant oils and get rid of insects in the house in the most soothing way possible! But, how?
Mix 15 drops of all these five oils in one cup of water, and pour the entire mix into a spray bottle. You can spray it generously in the corners of the rooms and open spaces in your premises where you may have the problem of pest infestation. You can spray behind the cabinets and wardrobes. Being natural, it is safe to use and one of the most trusted home remedies for pest control in the monsoon. This way, in a few simple steps, you can get rid of insects in the house.
Dangers of Rainy Season Insects

Apart from flu, cough and cold, food poisoning, and indigestion, there are a few more monsoon pest-induced dangerous diseases. Some examples are:
- Dengue fever: A virus transmitted by mosquitoes causes dengue fever, resulting in severe headaches, high temperatures, and restlessness, and at times, it proves fatal.
- Chikungunya: A mosquito bite causes Chikungunya, and the discomfort is the same as dengue. However, in the case of Chikungunya, joint pain is crucial, and it lingers even after the critical hours are over, and the patient is out of danger.
- Malaria: It is a mosquito-borne disease caused by a parasite. The infected person experiences a high fever, chills, and pain. It is severe and may prove fatal in some cases.
Few Home Remedies for Pest Control in Monsoon
Here are some home remedies for pest control in the monsoon:
Home Remedies to Get Rid of Lizards

Place eggshells to ward off lizards in the corners of the kitchen. Lizards hate the smell of sulphur. Hence, placing sliced onions can help keep lizards at bay. Additionally, the peacock feathers are also a great way of keeping lizards away. Try these home remedies to get rid of lizards from your walls!
Home Remedies to Get Rid of Cockroaches

Are you looking for home remedies to get rid of cockroaches? Remember one thing. Cockroaches love moisture and water leaks from pipes. That’s the reason you find them moving around your sink. So, don’t let water stand in the sink, and don’t overwater the indoor plants. Place slices of cucumber at the entry points of the cockroaches. Mix boric acid, oatmeal, and sugar in equal ratios and place them at the entry points. It is poisonous for them.
Spray soap and water solution on the roaches. This suffocates them because they breathe through their skin. As said by ‘Joan Wilen and Lydia Wilen’ (Authors of Best Ever Home Secrets), combine an equal portion of baking soda and powdered sugar and sprinkle the mixture wherever the roaches hide and walk. The sugar will attract them, and the baking soda will destroy them.
Home Remedies to Get Rid of Mosquitoes

Don’t let water stand in vessels or pots in the monsoon season. That is the first thumb rule of home remedies to get rid of mosquitoes. Stagnant water becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Mix vanilla extract with water and keep it in your home to avoid mosquitoes. Marigolds repel mosquitoes very well, so planting marigolds near the doors and windows will help you eliminate mosquitoes from your home.
Home Remedies to Get Rid of Flies

There are some strong-smelling plants like basil, bay leaf, lavender, and mint that flies do not like. Our home remedies to get rid of flies stem from this theory! Plant these saplings near your windows to prevent these bugs from entering the house. You may place crushed mint leaves in and around your home and see the flies vanish.
You may flush the drain with bleaching powder and hot water to get rid of flies. Camphor has a strong smell, which the flies hate. You can place it under the open windows to spread the aroma around, thus preventing the bugs from entering the home. There you have it—your pest-free home!
Home Remedies to Get Rid of Bedbugs

You may occasionally wipe off your bed and wooden furniture with kerosene to keep bedbugs away. Spray liquid insecticides or aerosols around and under the bed. However, do not spray this on the areas you touch, sit in, or walk in.
Remedies to Get Rid of Moth

Place mint leaves on the storage shelves and wardrobes to keep moths away. Cedarwood is a moth repellant. Making your closets with it can help you get rid of moths. You can even place the cedar chips wherever you find moths.
Fill a sachet with dry herbs like cloves, thyme, and rosemary to drive away moths. Replace the sachets every six months or when the fragrance fades away.
Ways to Get Rid of Spiders

A mixture of vinegar and water keeps spiders away. Spray the mixture on the cobwebs, shelves, and corners of the house. Fill a spray bottle with water and add 15-20 drops of peppermint oil. Spray it in all the corners where you find the spiders. Spiders can’t tolerate the smell of peppermint oil, and they will run away instantly.
Ways to Get Rid of Ants

Mix an equal quantity of soap and water to drive the ants away. Sprinkling rice flour on ants is another simple home remedy to get rid of ants at home. As said by ‘Joan Wilen and Lydia Wilen’, (Authors of Best Ever Home Secrets), ‘Figure out the ants from their main entry points and sprinkle those places with either of the following: chilli powder, cinnamon powder, bay leaves, salted cucumber peels, baby powder, or distilled white vinegar.’ It will help you get rid of ants.
Try these natural tips and enjoy a clean and cosy pest-free home with your loved ones this monsoon.
To wrap it up, the onset of the monsoon brings a pleasant atmosphere, but at the same time, the moist ambience of the house welcomes pests and insects into the home. It is better to take good care of our home and keep the trying times of the monsoon away.
Keep your surroundings clean and disinfected if you want to live in a pest-free home. You may plant trees, herbs, and succulents to add life to your surroundings. Not only do these green bodies exhale oxygen-enriched fresh air, but they also act as the elixir of life. You can get a pest-free home by implementing the above-mentioned home remedies for pest control during the monsoon. Bid adieu to the rainy season insects and enjoy the monsoon. However, if you feel that these home remedies for pest control in the monsoon aren’t working for you, consider calling pest specialists to help you get rid of insects in the house.
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