How to Decorate A Sideboard? Know to Enhance the Beauty of Your Dining Area

  • Published : 13th April, 2022
  • Updated : 25th February, 2023

Decorating and re-furbishing dining room sideboards and buffet tables in any dining area is a crucial aspect in terms of interiors. At any given day a dining room in the house is always significant! There are certain prime bits of style that can flaunt the character of the residents and attitude. Today in this article, we share how to decorate a sideboard or a buffet. We give simple approaches to enliven a sideboard or buffet and valuable, marvelous, and possibly modern buffet decor ideas. Importantly, decorating dining room buffets and sideboards doesn’t require any investment or things.

Dining Sideboard dates back to the Middle Ages which was then brought into use as an alternative to side tables. It was then primarily used for stocking up the dining utensils and eatables. However, with time it has emerged as styling furniture in many households.

What Is A Sideboard Used For?

Dining Sideboard
Dining Sideboard

How to Decorate A Sideboard? – The Best Modern Buffet Decor Ideas

Moving on to the tips and tricks of decorating dining room buffets and sideboards, we have listed down some unique and modern buffet decor ideas that can never fail you-

  1. Buffet Table Design – Open or Closed?
  2. Height Matters
  3. Go Organic for Buffet Decor
  4. The Perfect backdrop for Sideboard Decor
  5. One of the Best Buffet Decor Ideas: Tray It Out
  6. Lights On – for Modern Look
  7. Floating Is In
  8. Abstract Design for Modern Dining Room Buffet Decor

Let’s take a detailed look –

01. Buffet Table Design – Open or Closed?

The first-ever question that comes to one’s mind when starting a buffet decor is an open or close buffet; what is the best option? Then let us tell you, don’t be confused, both have their pros. So, choose your buffet table design according to your need.

Dining Sideboard with Glass Fitted Cabinet Doors
Dining Sideboard with Glass Fitted Cabinet Doors

A sideboard with open look or glass fitted cabinet doors can be a solid match for a more modest dinner area. The piece will look lighter and give the space a vaporous feel when the area is smaller in comparison.

Dining Sideboard with Shut Cabinetry
Dining Sideboard with Shut Cabinetry

However, a dining sideboard with shut cabinetry and well finished wooden work looks substantial and fits best into a bigger dining space.

02. Height Matters

Heightened Sideboard for Your Comfort
Heightened Sideboard for Your Comfort

It is of prime importance to have a buffet or a dining room sideboard to be the ideal stature so you can properly and comfortably serve food from the top. A sideboard needs to be proportional in a dining area such that it is taller than your dining table. Finding out the right size for a dining sideboard is somewhat interesting. Despite the fact that sideboards are typically long, you need it to be the right size, so it gets accommodated in your dining area and looks proportioned with your table.

Along with dining sideboards, height and shape are also the most important aspects of kitchen furniture. Proper dimensions make your work comfortable and pleasant. After knowing its importance, we are sure you must be eager to know about the optimum size of kitchen furniture. And guess what? You are only one click away from this information. Click on the below link.

03. Go Organic for Buffet Decor

Some Organic Decor for Flaunt the Beauty of Your Buffet
Some Organic Decor for Flaunt the Beauty of Your Buffet

Does not matter, whether the dining sideboard is placed in a kitchen or in a dining area or whether it is a small space or a big one, a little organic compound does not harm for sure. Rather it is a perfect place to show off some organic décor. You can use some mix of flowers in varied colors or some green potted plants or you can even use some textured moss ball. Such sideboard decor will enhance the look and feel of the dining sideboard and give it a vibrant look.

04. The Perfect Backdrop for Sideboard Decor

Beautiful Backdrop of Dining Sideboard
Beautiful Backdrop of Dining Sideboard

For modern and classy touch to your sideboard decor, it’s important to emphasize the backdrop of the sideboard. The backdrop can be anything from a painting masterpiece or a mandala art, a combination of roughly cut mirrors, or just a randomly placed photo gallery and even some framed quotes. Whatever you chose, every item has a unique meaning and vibe to it.

05. One of the Best Buffet Decor Ideas: Tray It Out

Well-Designed Tray for Buffet Decoration
Well-Designed Tray for Buffet Decoration

Using trays in the buffet table decor is the best option for the buffet decor. Use a base such as a well-designed tray to create a base and then start to group items accordingly. It can again be some well-potted plants or multicolored pebbles. You can also create a mini bar giving it a modern touch or use it to display certain antique pieces for a retro look. Apart from that, it also makes it easier to remove the items at once whenever you need to place food or drinks at ease.

06. Lights On – for Modern Look

Enhance the Buffet Table Look by Adding Lights
Enhance the Buffet Table Look by Adding Lights

Another fun way to add some pomp to the sideboard decor is by adding some combination of lights. Often people opt for ceiling lights or even chandeliers but adding some lights in the dining sideboard itself gives it a classy look and feel. What’s more? You can experiment with some varied combinations and styles of table lamps. It’s one of the best modern sideboard decorating ideas, as this set-up will also fill up your dinner time with some warm lights for a romantic evening with your loved one.

07. Floating Is In

Modern Touch with Floating Sideboard
Modern Touch with Floating Sideboard

If you are a person who loves a minimalistic look with a modern touch, floating sideboards are the answer to it. Floating dining sideboards add a feeling of modern extravagance. Set higher on the wall, they are bits of craftsmanship in themselves. Negligible styling is the best way to draw out the magnificence in this buffet table design. An assortment of dainty light holders and a potted branch hold it back from feeling sterile while leaving the dining table the star of the room. An additional tip here is to make the dining table a little extravagant with cushioning when you wish to opt for a floating sideboard.

08. Abstract Design for Modern Dining Room Buffet Decor

Elegant Look of Sideboard with Abstract Pattern
Elegant Look of Sideboard with Abstract Pattern

Another way to make your sideboard standout is to create some abstract patterns in the doors of the sideboard with a contrasting color. This simple yet elegant look of the dining room sideboard can surely grab some eyeballs. Plus, the combination of the perfect lighting, may just give an aesthetic feel to the room. In such designs try to keep the additional elements on the sideboard to a minimal.

So, now you know how to decorate a sideboard with these modern buffet decor ideas and how to enhance the beauty and feel of your dining area. These simple yet in-expensive decor ideas for the dining sideboard will change the look of your entire dining area and give it an up-market and well-designed feel. So why wait? Go ahead and try them on!

And if you are here for looking at buffet decor, then there is no doubt that you love to decorate your dining area. So, with these sideboard decorating ideas, we give you a Guide to a Stylish Dining Room & its Furniture in a House! It will surely give a classy and stylish touch to your dining room.

Author Bio

Sharmishtha Bhattacharjee – Sharmistha Bhattacharjee is a management professional, but has wide experience in content writing and content management across various niches. Also has been a co-author in various anthologies. Finds passion in writing and expressing thoughts.

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