Indoor Plant Care: Tips You Must Know!

  • Published : 22nd April, 2019
  • Updated : 7th December, 2023

With the rapid urbanisation, the earth is losing its flora & fauna, and we have started living in a concrete jungle; however, who does not love the Greens of Nature? That’s the reason many people strive hand to create eye soothing and pleasing greenery in the home itself. By providing a right environment and correct amount of water and nutrients to your indoor plants, you can validate that your indoor plant stays alive! Here I shall give you some indoor plant care tips and how to take care of plants at home.
Plants can add so much colour and a good vibe when you place it indoors in your house. Growing indoor plants is an excellent way to not only beautify your home, but also to purify the air as well. I personally love succulents indoors; it just adds a touch of nature to my room. I have visited so many places where people have flowering plants as well in their rooms, and it made the entire room look so pretty. Well, the indoor plants make the best decor pieces like bonsai, but at the same time, we shouldn’t forget that the plants like our pets need the utmost care and attention to make sure that they are healthy and lush green.

In this article, I am going to list down all the factors that are important to keep in mind and always keep a check on if you have indoor plants in the house.

Indoor Plant Care Tips for Your Home

01. Know your Indoor Plant & Read about it Thoroughly 

Know your Indoor Plant & Read about it thoroughly

When you get a plant for indoors start reading about the plant. Know the type of plant if it is a foliage plant or a flowering plant. Read about the plant’s requirements for sunlight, humidity, water, and nutrients. Make sure you know everything about your plant so that you can give optimum conditions to your plant to grow. Also, make a list of do’s and don’t for other people in your house so that your indoor plant gets everything in sufficient quantity even in your absence.

02. Place the Plant where it gets the adequate Sunlight 

Place the Plant where it gets the adequate Sunlight

Once you are through with all the details of your plants, the next important factor is the location of the plant. Make sure to place your indoor plant where it gets sufficient sunlight. Try to keep the plants in the position where it receives the indirect sunlight instead of getting the direct sunlight. Do not change the positions of your indoor plant very often as it harms the growth of the plant. The plants adapt to their surroundings and respond to any change that happens in their environment. If it’s a flowering plant, it will need 12-14 hours of sunlight whereas if it is a foliage plant the requirements will be 14-16 hours in the day.

03. Water your Indoor Plants in the Optimum Range as Per the Plant’s Requirement 

Water your Indoor Plants in the optimum range as per the plant's requirement

Another crucial factor for indoor plant care is a water. It is essential to water your plants properly every day. See to it that you don’t overwater your plant as it is not good for plants. Here all the information that you have regarding your plants will help you to know what is your plant’s water requirement. Succulent plants need less water such as cactus. The plants with waxy leaves also have a less water requirement as compared to the flowering plants. Know the optimum water level required by your plant and water your plants accordingly.
Never overwater the plant as it will result in fungus or mold on the soil that can give habitation to bacteria which in turn can causes infections or diseases in your plants. Keep the soil moist but don’t make it wet. The over-watering can also result in the loss of leaves as well as the reduced growth.

04. Check the Humidity level in the Room 

One of the essential factors for the plant’s growth is the humidity in the room where the plant is placed. Check for the humidity levels required by your plants. You can also invest in a good humidifier if you live in a region where there is a dry climate. Another way to keep the room humid is to keep pebbles and pour some water on it or you can provide indoor fountain so that when the water evaporates, it humidifies the room. If the plant requires moisture then spray some water on the plants directly that will make sure that it gets the moisture. Also, while checking for the humidity see to it that the temperature is also optimum. Make sure you buy the indoor plants keeping in mind the climate and the temperature levels of your place. Invest in plants that can sustain the best in your region.

05. Invest in Right Potting 

Invest in Right Potting

Always look for the pots that are well-suited for your plants. All the pots generally have a hole on the bottom that helps in draining the extra water from the plant. It is vital to know which type of pot will be well-suited for your plant. There are many different types of pots available such as ceramic, clay, metallic, plastic, etc. Choose the container that is well suited for the plant. Clay and ceramic pots absorb more water than other types of potting.

06. Fertilize your Indoor Plants for giving them the required Macronutrients  

Apart from the critical factors required for the plant’s growth such as sunlight, water, and humidity the plants also need nutrients for the growth. Only watering the plants is not sufficient; to take care of plants at home, the plants should be given the fertilizers in the recommended levels. The flowering plants require high potassium so make sure that you select a fertilizer that has adequate levels of potassium in it. It is essential to what type of fertilizer is necessary for the plants. Choose the fertilizer according to the need of the nutrients of the plants. Before purchasing the fertilizer do not forget to check the macronutrients that are essential for your plant and then invest in the best option of the fertilizer.

07. Prune your Indoor Plants & Check for any Disease 

Prune your Indoor Plants & Check for any Disease

When you have indoor plants, then indoor plant care has to be a vital part of your life. Pruning the plant’s branches and roots ensures that the plant doesn’t outgrow and the growth is under the control so that it fits in the pot or vase that you have kept it in.
The last but not the least factor to consider for caring for your plants is, and it’s colouration. Generally, when plants get infections or diseases, it is first seen on its leaves. Check for the discoloration and other characteristics for knowing if your plant is healthy. Keep flies and bugs away from your plants as they can also cause an infection. Avoid throwing anything on soil so that there are no flies around the plant.
So, these are the indoor plant care tips for your indoor plants, as filling the space with lush greenery can have an amazing impact on your interiors. I would recommend you to buy the plants that require fewer efforts and easy to maintain. Tropical plants are low maintenance, and it’s easy to keep them too. I hope this article helps you in caring your indoor plants better.

Image Courtesy: Image 6 – flickr

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