Mural or Photo Wallpaper to Create Unique Designs in the House!

  • Published : 20th October, 2018
  • Updated : 20th February, 2025

Wallpaper is the most common alternative used instead of painting. It is widely used as a wall covering material. Wallpaper is one aspect of use for interior wall decoration. Home wallpapers are available in a variety of colours, patterns, materials and textures for the living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen or any area of your home.
In the market different types of wallpapers are available such as vinyl, textile, grasscloth, hand screened, foil/metallic, flock, mural/photo, natural bamboo, embossed, paintable/anaglypta, woodchip, lining, liquid, cork etc.

Here we give you information about mural wallpaper or photo wallpaper.

Murals Wallpaper or Photo Wallpaper

Mural wallpaper or photo wallpaper as the term itself explains, it is a painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall. Mural wallpaper is large photographs that stretch over an entire wall. It is a new idea about wall covering.

Mural Wallpaper or Photo Wallpaper

Image Courtesy – aliexpress

Mural wallpaper or photo wallpaper is printed on the vinyl or fabric with a synthetic non-woven substrate, or high quality textured paper. Mural wallpaper is printed with digital printing machine. It is available in unlimited colours and designs.

This wallpaper creates a high-quality image on the wall. Generally, this wallpaper represents the scenic beauty of nature or any scenes from a historical event in the room.

Scenic Beauty of Nature Mural Wallpaper

Image Courtesy – Alibaba

It is durable, moisture resistant and washable. Mural wallpaper is used in the hall, living room, bedroom and children room. This wallpaper is not used in the kitchen and bathroom.

Children Bedroom Mural Wallpaper
Mural Wallpaper for Children Room

Image Courtesy – startbestdaystore 

Generally, mural wallpaper is available in panel form which must be hanged in a particular order, as specified by the manufacturer as shown below.

Manufacturer Installation Guide

Image Courtesy – Dhgate

But while installing mural wallpaper assume that theplace of the panels or strips of the scene starts at the same height as nearby furniture. Otherwise, the scene will appear to float above it.

Panels or Strips of the Scene of Mural Wallpaper

Image Courtesy – shopify

The durability and quality of wallpaper depends on the type of substrata and decorative surface.
If you are planning a room makeover and like to have new ideas about a feature wall, the mural wallpaper is the perfect solution. Mural wallpaper or photo wallpaper offers you to create an actual scene as per your choice in the home. Mural wallpaper or photo wallpaper increases the beauty and add the value of the house.

Also Read:
Textile Wallpaper: All you need to Know!
Grasscloth Wallpaper: All you Need to Know!

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