Every home has its own story to tell. This is that one place where memories are built and people spend their lifetime building and nurturing their relationships with each other. Hence each part of your home has a unique identity and your entire life becomes their reflection. The outdoor patio of your house is used to host parties, barbecues and family gatherings. But when you want to spend some time away from the world as a recluse in that area how should you handle it. Here are some tips to guide on how your outdoor patio can greatly change into your private retreats.
Outdoor Patio
01. Adding a Wall or Cornering it

You can add a fence or private wall just to keep the onlookers from peeping in. A simple fence provides you a secluded gathering space making it the perfect backyard retreat that you wish it to be. The fence can be worked upon and wood and stones used as per the kind of design you want it to show. To provide a better impact you can divide this section into small gardens each having a different type of foliage in them. You can also create temporary partition of clothing.
02. The Lower the Better

Why opt for the heavyweight sofas and chairs to clutter your space. By placing simple floor cushions, you can grant a total informal look to the entire place. The biggest advantage of doing so is that you can keep changing the look as you want them to be. Moreover, if there are other buildings which surround your porch then, staying low would give the much required privacy. You can use different color combinations with the cushions or keep them in neutral hues, totally your call.
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03. Hammocks Hanging

When you intend to make a place your private retreat obviously you would want someplace to rest and relax. Hanging some low-level hammocks and spending your time lounging in them is like a dream. You can have one or more depending on the space available in your yard. When the weather is not conducive you can easily take them down and place away from room. Particularly suitable for the younger generation who loves to flop down as and when they feel.
04. Go the Green Way
If you are among those who wish to spend some time in the lap of nature you can do so through artificial methods. Placing artificial grass on your patio and making it look like a garden is the easiest way to do so. Add some deck chairs and a bench for a quick dinner and this place becomes your ideal dinner hideout on weekends. Organize a party and won’t the guests love the lush green feel of the venue!!
05. Small is Good
In today’s time, there is always a space constraint in the homes that we usually reside in. If your patio is also on the small area side you don’t have to get disappointed. Using the space available effectively can work wonders too. Use a day bed or Chaise to make up for the lack of space. Add a few items here and there but make sure the feel you get out of them is that of comfort and relaxation. This is your retreat and it is the best and let the arrangements also act as proof of the same.
06. Suitable for the Night

If your retreat would be used only in the late evenings or nights then you would have to make arrangements to ensure inspiring and exciting light. Place blankets on your sofa seats. They not only cushion the already soft seats but provide warmth in the evening chill. For lighting, you should work on the atmospheric style of lighting. These could include candles in hurricane lamps, stringed outdoor lights or candles in jam jars.
07. Planters

Eventually, greenery when natural gives the place an elaborate feel. For an urban setting placing potted plants can be your unique link to being in an outdoor setting. Instead of going for small and low containers use large plants and creepers so that your space gets height, structure, and privacy. Whether it is a big garden or a small outdoor patio having plants always works in making it a relaxing jaunt for you.
08. Water Additions

The sound of water can be extremely relaxing and stress relieving at the end of the day. Plus, there are a lot of other unpleasant sounds that we have to deal with. To eliminate such sounds, add a fountain or just any water feature and you would be able to address more than one problem in one go. In fact, a gentle movement of water itself can give your preferred look; you just need to know how to incorporate it in your setting.
09. Dense Evergreens

To get this one correctly you might need some sort of external help. The dense evergreens provide a lush and comfy look to the resting space you are creating. They are able to obstruct any unpleasant views and the greenery provided is also pleasing to the eyes. Their thick structures also remove sounds coming from outside and you can bask in the solitude comfortably.
10. Fabric Touch

In the end, it is all about getting the perfect look without any compromises on the convenience aspect. You can easily use outdoor based fabrics to create a privacy screen that is if you do not want someone to come intruding in. These fabric sheets can be sewed together just like a curtain and hung together through curtain rods. More than anything this arrangement looks extremely stylish and depicts the efforts you have taken.
Having the perfect home means a lot of thoughtfulness being put into the way in which things are placed together. Instead of just putting all your ideas into the indoors use the above tips to make the patio a place worth spending time at. In the cluttered world of today having an exclusive space gives you respite from everyday routine. Being there is your relaxation therapy and nothing else can match the pleasure of having a place to go to.
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Image Courtesy: Image 2
Author Bio
Garima Bais – I am a blogger writing on topics like parenting, love, life, beauty and travel. Belonging to a country with a deep heritage India I am an eternal optimist and believe that whatever life gives to you should be taken with gratitude. Do let me know your take on my articles in the form of comments.