9 Tips to Remove Scratches From Wood Furniture

  • Published : 23rd June, 2022
  • Updated : 8th December, 2022

Nothing can be more unsightly than a scratch on your precious piece of wooden furniture. Instead of resorting to the expensive option of replacing it do spare a few minutes to read this blog for some easy hacks on how to remove wax and remove scratches from your wooden furniture.

A problem with the fact that wooden furniture is sturdy is that it always gets subjected to wear and tear. The careless use may result in stains and scratches in furniture while irregular maintenance may lead to build – up wax, etc. Moreover, the oil from our skin and food can get transferred to the furniture. This oil attracts dirt, especially on parts of furniture that we frequently touch say the handles of the sofa or armchair for instance. Using detergent to wash off oil and dirt can adversely affect the finish of the furniture.

Tips to Remove Scratches from Wood Furniture

In order to maintain the original finish of your furniture, here are few furniture cleaning tips that will help you in knowing ways to fix wood scratch repair, how to fix scratches on wood table, how to fix scratches on dark wood furniture, how to repair a scratch on wood furniture and how to get scratches out of wood. You will also need,

It is better to use mineral spirits (paint thinner) or naphtha or wood scratch remover as furniture cleaner agent to remove wax. To do this, dip a soft rag or very soft steel wool in mineral spirit and rub it gently on the affected area.

Remove Wax

01. Sometimes, build-up wax can soften the wood. Using furniture cleaner with spirit for cleaningit can damage the finish of the wood. The best thing to remove wax, in this case, is to strip the wood and refinish it.

02. To know how to fix scratches on wood furniture, use padding lacquer to hide light scratches on wood. Take a soft cloth and fold the corners to create a ball-like pad. Apply lacquer to this pad and press it gently on your palm to spread the lacquer through the pad. Apply the pad on the furniture in the direction of the grain in a single smooth, gentle movement. Allow the lacquer to dry and reapply if needed.

03. ‘Goodell David’ saying (author of article – How to Remove Paste Wax from Furniture like Pro.. published on wood working clarity) that apply a thin layer of wax polish over the wax you want to remove. The fresh layer of wax will soften the pre-existing one on your furniture, making it easy to remove.

Use a clean cloth to wipe away the softened wax immediately from a wooden surface before it gets dry.

Remove Scratches from Wood

04. You can use polishing compounds to remove light scratches. These compounds are best used on furniture with a high sheen.

05. If furniture with a dull sheen has scratches, then take a soft steel wool pad and dip it in lemon oil or wool lubricant. Rub this pad over the scratch in the same direction of the grain. This will work well on minor scratches.

Note: You may have to rub the rest of the surface to make the sheen even and then wipe off the extra oil and apply polish.

06. ‘Claire Nowak’ (Author of the article – 8 Tricks You Can Try to Remove Scratches from Furniture published in reader’s digest) advising that hide the scratch by rubbing it with little shoe polish of a matching colour. Felt-tipped pens (marker), appropriately coloured eyebrow pencil or crayon can also be used to hide small scratches on varnished wood furniture. You can also try rubbing peanut, walnut, Brazil nut or pecan into the scratch.

07. A little iodine or mahogany will hide most scratches. Apply it with a clean cloth or a cotton swab.

08. To fill-in a scratch or a nick on dark wood, use a paste made from a bit of cooled instant coffee mixed with one or two drops of water. Use a cotton swab to apply it.

Hope these hacks help conceal the scratches and wax on your prized pieces of wooden furniture…

Conceal the Scratches

Grease marks are stubborn & can’t remove easily.

Now that you have known the tips to remove scratches from wooden surface, we have also got some useful articles that will definitely help you out in removing white stains from wood and remove coloured stains from furniture:

How to Remove White Stains From Wooden Surface?
7 Tips to Remove Colored Stain from Wooden Furniture

Author Bio

Huta Raval – An English Literature and Journalism Topper, Huta Raval has graduated from the L D Arts College, Ahmedabad. Post serving for 23 years in the NBFC and Public Library Sectors her desire for ‘writing the unwritten’ brought her to the creative field of content writing. Her clientele comprises of NGOs, Blogging Platforms, Newspapers, Academic Institutions, et al.

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