Precautions for Tile Cracking & Tips to Repair Cracked Tile

When choosing tiles for your home, people always look for the aesthetic view of the house. If you do not installed it properly, there may be chances of various defects may come in tiles like fading of tiles, buckling of tiles, cracked tile, etc. Many of homeowners are always concerned about cracked tile floor. If someone is planning to have new tile floors installed, there are many precautions one has to take to prevent tiles cracking in the future. Take good care of your tile and you will have  little or no need of repair cracked tile.

Cracked Tiles

Following are the precautions to be taken to prevent tiles cracking:

  • Being careful when carrying heavy objects and to avoid dropping them on the floor tile.
  • Never use your tile as a backing for something to be struck. Use your hammer on your work place, not your floor tile.
  • Don’t purchase the sub-standard tiles so that there is no tiles cracking in future on account of poor quality.
  • When tiles crack badly and you have no option but to replace it with new tiles, you may not find similar tiles in market. Hence always keep few tiles for such cases.
  • Use proper cutting equipment. So that it may prevent tile cracking.
  • If the cracks occur in only a small number of tiles, and/or the location of the floor is where an aesthetic view of tile don’t matter, the easiest and most economical solution is patch up the crack on your own.

Depending on how big is the crack, there are some different techniques which you can use in order to repair cracked tile.

Here we give few solutions to repair cracked tile:

  • For small crack in tiles, the easiest method is to apply appropriate paint over the cracked surface. You will need paint that closely matches the colour of your tiles.
  • If the crack in your tile is too large, the only solution is to replace it with new tiles. Before you try this, make sure you need a replacement of this tile that has the same size, shape, color and material as existing one.
  • Allow movement joints in tiles so that tiles do not crack.
  • The another solution to repair cracked tile is applied glaze on the cracked surface. This method does not fix the broken tile’s appearance, but it will fill the crack and prevent it from further damage.
  • Use the siliconized sealer to fill in tile floor cracks. If the sealer looks ugly after drying, you can paint it so that it mixed with the tile design.
  • For a concrete subfloor, gets the most effective thing is to add steel reinforcing bars to the concrete slab. This will prevent cracks in the concrete from forming which ultimately lead to cracks in the tiles.

These are the most common solutions of cracked tile repair. However, remember to use the appropriate tools and products to get the job done easily and correctly.

Also Read:
Precautions and Repairs of Buckled Tiles
Floor or Wall Tiles: Defects its Solution

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