The collapsible door gives high-level security and also provides ventilation and vision. Even when the doors are closed, communication is possible. This door may be made of single or double shutters. It is a popular choice for the protection of domestic windows and patio doors. The collapsible door is used for the main entrance of the residential building, shops, godowns, etc. having large size openings. It occupies less space, particularly for the opening.

Here we have given advantages and disadvantages of the collapsible door which are as under:
Advantages/ Pros:
- It is easy to use and reliable.
- The collapsible door gives you 100% opening.
- It is easy to handle.
- It is a highly visual deterrent to potential intruders.
- These doors are custom made.
- A single door can be used for easy access without having to open the whole door.
- It is cost effective.
- It can be opened as desired.
- They are light in weight as compared to solid doors.
- It can be controlled easily as it can be operated with chain or lock.
Disadvantages /Cons:
- It collects more dust in guide channel and hence becomes difficult to operate.
- If not operated properly, the hardware can get damaged, making the door very difficult to use.
- There is a guide channel on the either side; therefore there are chances of someone stumbling on the floor.
- It requires more lubrication. So it is not completely maintenance free.
- It needs regular painting as they get corroded earlier (If exposed to direct sunlight or rain).
- The collapsible door does not provide privacy inside the room.
- These doors are not suitable for air-conditioned halls.
- These doors do not close automatically when not in use.
The collapsible door provides high security against burglars, vandals and other intruders. But make sure you carefully consider advantages and disadvantages of the collapsible door before you install.