Small repairs on drywall can be independently done by the householder, that too within a very short span of time. Gharpedia takes you through this entire process of how to repair drywall. Let’s get the answers to all our questions such as how to repair small holes in drywall, how to fix drywall damage etc.
How To Find Out If Your House Has Plaster Walls or Drywall?

Generally, houses built post-1940 are most likely to have walls made of drywall.
Before proceeding towards steps of how to fix drywall it’s important to confirm whether it is a plaster wall or a drywall. The best way is to knock on the same and if it sounds hollow in places then it’s drywall. The surface is always smooth, but might have a slightly textured layer of joint compound or mud over it.
What Is A Drywall?

Drywall which is also popularly known as gypsum board, wall board, plasterboard or even gypsum panel is basically a wall made up of gypsum plaster (a white-coloured cementing material made by removing water from gypsum mineral) which is extruded between two thick sheets of paper. Heat descending material like paraffin beads are filled in the drywall in order to absorb heat during the day time and keep the house cool and release it at night and make the house warm. Now a days drywall has become a good replacement for plaster or lath as it saves time as well as labour. Drywall is used in the construction of false ceilings and interior walls.
If you are curious to know about drywall, its type, advantages and disadvantages, you can go through our blog.
Drywall Damage: Small Hole and Crack

Drywall is made of gypsum sandwiched between two layers of paper. Gypsum isn’t exactly diamond-hard, so it’s easy to dent or even gouge drywall. There are various advantages and disadvantages of gypsum board. A few advantages of this material are: easy to install and helps in controlling sound transmission. Talking about the disadvantages of gypsum boards, they can’t be used in places where there is exposure to moisture and they are not durable.
The drywall repair cost depends on the type of damage to the drywall.
Small Holes In Drywall

If you have a small hole, and you are thinking of how to repair small holes in drywall, make sure there’s enough of an indentation to fill in. In some instances, you may actually need to use a hammer to pound the hole deeper. Just try to do it gently, so you don’t break through the drywall’s paper shell.
Drywall Crack

If you have a crack, use the triangular point of a can opener to lightly etch out a V-shaped groove. Again, don’t tear up the paper. You will certainly require a drywall crack repair tape to fix the drywall crack.
Tools Required in Drywall Repair Kit

Following are the tools in the drywall repair kit:
- Can opener with a sharp triangular point
- Drop cloth
- Fiberglass mesh tape
- Hammer
- Joint compound tray
- Paint
- Paintbrush
- Plastic spoon
- Primer
- Small bucket of premixed joint compound
- Taping knife
- sandpaper or drywall sanding sponge and bucket of water
Time Required to Repair the Drywall
Well, the task of how to fix drywall is a cakewalk! If you are wondering, how long for drywall patch to dry? It just takes five minutes, unless you need to do multiple coats, in which case it will take a series of five minutes over a couple of days to allow for drying time.
How To Repair Drywall Step-by-Step Process
Following Are the Steps of How to Repair Small Holes In Drywall.
Preparing The Hole for Repair

Spread the drop cloth. If necessary, use a hammer or can opener to prepare the hole or crack (use the triangular point of the can opener to lightly etch out a V-shaped groove. Do ensure that you don’t tear up the paper). Then scoop a small portion of the joint compound into the tray, thin it with a few drops of water and mix to the consistency of frosting with a plastic spoon.
Filling Hole or Crack with Taping Knife

Use the taping knife to fill the crack or hole with the joint compound. Hold the knife at a 45-degree angle and wipe off the excess material in an X-pattern. Try to get it as smooth as possible to avoid excess sanding.
Applying Second Coat

Let the area dry completely and then apply a second coat if needed.
Sanding For Prime and Paint

Sand the area so it’s flush with the surrounding wall; then prime and paint the area.
Steps on How to Use Mesh Tape for Drywall
Applying Mesh Tape

Drywall holes larger than one inch but smaller than four inches and cracks longer than one inch will need fiberglass mesh tape. This special tape is sold alongside joint compound and other drywall supplies. Tear off a piece of mesh tape big enough to cover the damage and press it to the wall. It will stay in place by itself – its tape after all! If you know how to use mesh drywall tape in corners, it will really help to repair cracks in the corner. You just need to make sure it lays flat with no puckers or ridges.
Applying Joint Compound

Then use a taping knife to apply three coats of joint compound over the mesh tape, letting each coat dry before applying the next. Be sure to feather out the edges so the patch blends with the existing wall surface.
Sanding The Repaired Area

Lightly sand the repaired area until the surface is flush with the rest of the wall. You can either use 220-grit sandpaper or a drywall sanding sponge (the latter will not kick up any dust). If you use the sponge, dip it in a bucket of water, squeeze out the excess and rub the area until it’s smooth.
Wiping Off Dust

Wipe off the dust with a clean rag (if you used sandpaper); or let the area dry (if you used the sponge).
Applying Primer And Paint

Prime and then paint the area. Primer excludes the pigment, which is present in the paint. There is a difference between Primer and Paint. Primer is cheaper than paint.
By now, you must have come to know how to use drywall patch and how to use mesh tape for drywall. There’s no rocket science involved in carrying out minor steps of how to repair drywall! What the task calls for is a tad panache, loads of patience and a wee bit of time!
Now that you are aware of how to fix drywall damage, you must be curious to know more about complete drywall installation. Here is a complete guide.
Complete Drywall Installation Guide | Do It Yourself
Author Bio
Huta Raval – An English Literature and Journalism Topper, Huta Raval has graduated from the L D Arts College, Ahmedabad. Post serving for 23 years in the NBFC and Public Library Sectors her desire for ‘writing the unwritten’ brought her to the creative field of content writing. Her clientele comprises of NGOs, Blogging Platforms, Newspapers, Academic Institutions, et al.