If you have a penchant for the countryside and nature, then the Pure Romany Style house design will fit you to the T. Learn through this blog how to apply this in your house and then sit back and bask in the glory of the gasps of admiration that your house draws from visitors!
Romany style house design is designing the interiors of a house that gives the feel of Romany (gypsy) culture. Many times, or let’s say almost all the times, it is confused with Roman themed house because of the name. As a matter of fact, both are miles apart. A Roman themed house is inspired by Rome and Romans, whereas, Romany (also known as gypsies) style house is based on the Romany people – those who travel from place to place in caravans, and dwell in same caravans.
According to Donald Kenrick (2010) (Author of the book “The A to Z of the Gypsies (Romanies)”) the word Gypsy is an abbreviation of “Egyptian,” the name by which the Romany immigrants were first called in Western Europe because it was believed they came from Egypt.
Pure Romany style house design gives the freedom to experiment and play with colours and handcrafted items in your space. Romany gypsy home decor connects to its roots by making the use of traditional products as home décor elements.
Inspiration behind Romany Style House Design
‘The Romany Style’ is most suited to people who prefer to keep one foot in the past and whose idea of bliss is a country kitchen with a cooking range. If you are so much into gypsy style living but find it impractical to live in caravans and travel, then opt for a Romany style house plan and build a Romany style house. However, if you just want a Romany touch in your house then Romany gypsy home décor is for you. Gypsy style home decor has rich, dark background colours decorated using the light touch of single free-hand brushstrokes, with each pattern being composed of a mixture of stripes, swirls, dots and curves.
Gypsy style home decor inspiration comes from the countryside and nature; flowers are the most popular decorative motif. Red, green, black and white are the main colours, but many other colours can be used for decoration.

The colours explode with all the fun of the fair. Bright canal barges, decks piled high with vividly patterned tin ware, fairground stalls and painted gypsy caravans are the inspiration for Romany style furniture. Painting patterns were handed down through Romany families, and as traditional lifestyles changed many of these painting skills disappeared.
Fortunately, the lazy, slow, canal-boat lifestyle appealed to people looking for an escape route from the fast pace of modern life; and since the Seventies, many canal boats have been restored and brought back to their former vivid beauty. The main patterns used include flowers, leaves, castles, bridges, horses, playing cards, scallops and striped bands of colour. Lettering is often part of the gypsy style home decor, spelling out the name of the barge or its owner.

Free Style Romany Themed House
If the idea of living in a painted horse-drawn caravan or a canal boat sounds appealing but impractical, then why not settle for bringing some of the colour and atmosphere into your home with the help of Romany style furniture? To have a gypsy themed house, set the bright colours against a dark background of either black, dark green or blue and paint all the patterns free-hand. It is a true peasant painting style, which is great fun to do.
If you love the patterns, but find the brilliance of the colours too overwhelming, try artificially fading them with a milky glaze of varnish tinted with a small amount of white. This effect will be more like an old sun-bleached painted caravan needing a fresh coat of paint. In case this appeals to you, then you could take the illusion a stage further and rub back some of the paint to simulate years of wear and tear.

Romany House Design for a Corner
Small is beautiful. On a large scale, the gypsy style living room would be quite overpowering, but it is perfect for a small cubby hole of a room, or just as part of a room or even a balcony. Opting for a window treatment as a focal point in quite a plain room will add a zing to the décor, especially as one of many patterns in a busy kitchen or as a touch of fantasy in a child’s playroom. A painted window box filled with flowers outside the window is the perfect finishing touch for a Romany style living room.

Useful Tip for Romany Themed House
Flowers are an essential ingredient in the Pure Romany look. Make a floral pattern by cutting out the flower shapes from felt and glueing them onto the curtain.
Are you now geared up to apply the Pure Romany Style house design to your living room corner…?
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9 Scandinavian Interior Design, Home Décor Tips, Tricks & Hacks: Articulating an abode through Simplistic Eccentricity
13 Unique Interior Design Ideas and Home Décor Inspirations for 2022
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Author Bio
Huta Raval – An English Literature and Journalism Topper, Huta Raval has graduated from the L D Arts College, Ahmedabad. Post serving for 23 years in the NBFC and Public Library Sectors her desire for ‘writing the unwritten’ brought her to the creative field of content writing. Her clientele comprises of NGOs, Blogging Platforms, Newspapers, Academic Institutions, et al.