Nowadays, RCC framed structures are popular because of their long life. They give safety, security and shelter to the people. However, due to wear and tear, poor design or construction, cracks develop in building over a period of time. Cracks occur both in RCC element as well as brick walls. Whether the vertical cracks in brick walls are thinner or wider, They are painful for the owner who always had dream of a crack-free home. The owner gets frustrated and stats thinking.
What is Happening to my House?
Is my House Falling Apart?
Is there any Need to Evacuate my House?
But, there is no need to get panic. We have already discussed following topics.
Horizontal Cracks in Brick Walls of the Load Bearing Structure
Horizontal Cracks in Brick Walls of RCC Framed Structure
Diagonal Cracks in Brick Walls and Its Measures
Here are the causes of the vertical cracks in brick walls and preventive measure to minimise the same in RCC framed structure.
Vertical Cracks in Brick Walls of RCC Framed Structure:
01. Vertical Cracks in External Brick Wall Panel:
Since wall in RCC structure is not load bearing elements. They are just infilled walls and satisfy many other needs.

Vertical cracks occur when long brick walls are built tightly between RCC Column. The brickwork is compressed and buckled due to thermal and moisture expansion. Furthermore, a small amount of linear movement in the long brick panel can also produce a bulge in masonry.
The homeowner, therefore, needs to take precaution during the time of construction. It is advisable to complete the RCC framework of all floors before carrying out brickwork activity.
02. Vertical Cracks in Partition Walls:
Cracks occur due to excessive deflection of the support. Furthermore, the location and pattern of cracks depend on the length to height ratio of the partition walls and the door opening.
We have already discussed
It provides all the necessary information regarding the cracks in partitions of bricks and its measures.
03. Vertical Cracks in Free Standing Wall of Concrete Block or Sand Lime Building:
The compound, garden and parapet walls are known as free standing walls. Vertical cracks appear at 5 to 8m intervals due to drying shrinkage combined with thermal contraction. These vertical cracks get widened in cold weather and shrink or close in hot weather.
To avoid it,
- Provide expansion joint at the regular interval so that it will resist the effect of the drying shrinkage and thermal contraction.
- Do not use rich mortar for the construction of the concrete block wall.
In the current modern scenario, RCC framed structures are so much in trend, but the cracks causes concerns. Hence it is necessary to minimise the cracks as the repairing and maintenance cost of the home is very high nowadays. In conclusion, it is better to use the preventive measures to minimise the vertical cracks in brick walls and to achieve the crack-free and low maintenance house.