How can Tin Interiors Enhance the Look of Your House?

  • Published : 20th February, 2020
  • Updated : 3rd January, 2023

As quoted by Ingrid Fetell Lee, “Tin elements in interiors bring an element of pattern that is more subtle than coloured wallpaper or tiles, introducing an element of harmony to a space.” With tin finishes, you can add personality to various spaces in the house. It is the newest metallic material to enter the inner circle of interiors.

Since time immemorial, tin has been used to cover the roof of houses as it helps trap heat inside and this keeps the house warm. Presently, modern-day designers have come up with innovative and out-of-the-box ways to use tin interiors to enhance the ambiance of a home. Tin inspired interiors are being used as motifs and for decorative purposes. Shifting away from jazzy and sparkly designs, homeowners are now opting for vintage aesthetics, with their irresistible rustic charm. Being light and flexible, tin can be used in several different ways to perfect the exuberant and classic ambiance without overburdening the senses.

Innovative Ideas to Use Tin in Interiors

Corrugated Tin in Home Interiors

The following are a list of innovative ideas to use for tin interiors in different parts of your home and make each stand out in its own right:

01. Rustic Look on Walls of Living Room with Corrugated Tin

Using themes related to tin in the wallpapers can make your room stand out. It helps add to the vintage and rustic look of the room. Adding concrete flooring and metallic hardware can help make the room look simple yet sophisticated.

Rustic Look with Tin as Wall Decor

Antique Carbon Tin Wall Tiles add a Rustic Look

It is best to use corrugated sheets of tin instead of tin tiles for interior décor. Until now, tin sheets have primarily been used for garden sheds or barn roofs, but with changing times, different materials are being introduced for use in interior décor. Many small food stalls and cafes are reusing old shipping containers.

When used for interior décor, the metallic look of the tin can provide an asymmetrical design on an otherwise mundane wall as a background. Tin sheets can be installed in any direction- horizontal or vertical. You can either choose to cover the entire wall or just a part of it. Please remember, if not done properly, it can end up looking haphazard and unhappening.

Corrugated Tin as Accent Wall

Corrugated Tin Used on Accent Wall (Designer Wall) of Living Room

Corrugated Wall Panel

Corrugated Tin on TV Wall Panel

While corrugated tin was initially used for the garden shed, or the barn roof, we are in an age where we are switching our views on materials. Create an urban look with a dramatic accent wall of corrugated tin. Add depth to the space by painting with different shades and hues. Corrugated sheets, when used as interiors, the metallic sheen and the symmetrical design makes it stand out form a monotonous wall background.

We have also written an informative article on best materials of wall panels:

02. Sparkly Effect on Ceilings with Tin

If you do not like or do not want to use tin tiles on wall, you can decide to add vintage tins on the ceiling.  They can be added as a backdrop for chandeliers or even pendant light, helping to bring in additional charm as well as light.

Vintage Tins on Ceiling

Silver-Sparkly Effect on Ceilings with Tin

For those who like a sparkly effect, they can go for shiny tin material. This makes the illumination shine and also brightens up the room. In contrast, if you want a simple look, distressed or weathered pieces can be used that gives your décor a worn-in finish.

Tin material for ceilings is available in various patterns, and some are even painted.

03. Give Kitchen a Stylish Look with Corrugated Tin

Corrugated Tin in Kitchen Island

Corrugated Tin on Kitchen Island

Incorporating corrugated tin in modern kitchen makes it unique and gives a rustic look. It looks sleek for a contemporary kitchen. The mottle finish and the wavy shape adds a design depth to the kitchen. It gives an industrial vibe to interiors, hence a bit different from the traditional kitchen look. Corrugated tin in kitchen island brings a stylish addition to the kitchen.

04. Pressed Tin as Kitchen Backsplash

Traditionally, kitchen backsplashes were made from granite, tiles, slabs of marble, ceramics, and other such materials. However, now, people are beginning to use “pressed tin” along with stainless steel as well.

Tin Kitchen Backsplash

Pressed Tin on Kitchen Backsplash 

Pressed Tin Kitchen Backsplash

Designed Pressed Tin on Kitchen Backsplash

Possessing the properties of low maintenance, high durability, as well as the fact that it is easy to clean, it works as a good alternative replacing the traditional materials. It can also be used as tiles on the walls. It requires a special coating to prevent it from rusting. Using polished tin sheets can help make the kitchen look brighter and more vibrant. Combine it with wooden furniture to bring about a fusion of rustic charm with modern sophistication. There are little to no limitations on the use of tin. White or light-coloured furniture can be paired with plain tin sheets for a clean but modern look, whereas decorated tin tiles coupled with dark furniture, create a homely atmosphere.

05. Tin Wainscots in Interiors

Tin Wainscots in Interiors

Corrugated Tin Wainscots on the Lower Wall

Corrugated tin wainscoting is a stylish way to add a modern touch to the space, enhancing the rustic vibe. Wainscots are used where the metal covers the bottom of the wall in home interiors. They are capped by a horizontal plank of wood. Wood may be usually reclaimed cedar or pine to give a sophistication. You may choose patterns as you like in your house.

06.Tin used as Headboard

Tin used in Headboard

Tin Sheet on Headboard

One of the most imposing presences in the bedroom is of, well, the bed. More precisely, the headboard makes for an important part of the bed, providing it with an individualistic and a unique look. Simply cutting a piece of an old tin sheet and polishing it up may not be enough to make an impact. The effect may be much more profound if the sheet is sheathed in a decorative frame or if a tin tile with a customized design is used. Combining it with dark wood paneling will give the room a perfectly sober yet creative look. Coupling a weathered tin sheet headboard with concrete-like wall finish can make the room look rustic yet cozy.

07. Accessories

Tin Tiles Fireplace Firebox

Silver Tin AntIque Wall Tiles on the Wall Behind Fireplace

In terms of accessories, various showpieces and artworkmade out of a tin can be used to add an antique charm to the room. Pairing it with wooden interiors on walls and staircase has gained a lot of popularity.

It can also be used in furniture. Reclaimed corrugated metal can further be used for interior décor.


The installations related to tin materials in the house depend upon the form of tin you have chosen. It also depends on the kind of look you are going for, whether it is a rustic and old-fashioned look or a modern and detailed look.

Tin Installation in Ceiling

Tin Tiles Installation on the Ceiling

Stamped tins are installed by using finish nails or glued onto the surface. The finished nails are used so that the nail heads are not visible unless someone looks very closely.

Sheet metal tins are fixed using screws and nails onto the mounting surface. Usually, the material is set using roofing screws or roofing nails. To avoid premature rust on tins that have a protective layer covering it, avoid cutting the material with an oscillating or vibrating or even a spinning blade. Due to the friction caused by these blades, the heat can burn through the protective coating along with the edges of the material. It is better to cut such materials using electric metal shears or tin snips.

It is always advisable to follow the manufacturer’s installation guide whenever working with a new material. While inserting screw holds in old materials, it is better to use the old and existing screw holes, if available, and use that as a guide.

Tips While Using Tin Interiors in Home

01) It is recommended to use not more than three contrasting colours, finishes, and patterns while designing. This advice also applies when you are choosing the tin interiors for your house. Maintain a timeless take with the concept of maximalism, something which would not go out of trend anytime soon.

02) Tin can be used to make homes more lavish and appealing. It can be incorporated in accessories that may be placed in any part of the house, including furniture that may accentuate the rustic look and feel to your home.

03) Since it is highly durable, most tin articles won’t get damaged easily. Simple tin sheets can be redecorated using paints or by cutting it into desired shapes to change the image of the house and keep up with modern trends.


In a nutshell, tin is popularly used for application for backsplashes, artwork, cabinet faces, and numerous other uses. Many tin ceiling manufacturers are even using recycled black-plate steel.

With the growing demand for tin-based interiors, several manufacturers and companies have started offering a modern touch to tin materials being used in interior decoration to cater to the needs of the customers. Being offered a variety of options such as hand-painted finishes, powder-coated finishes, customized design tiles, and many more, one has many choices. Using tin for interior design allows one to experiment with a large number of options, from simple weathered down sheets for a classic look to extravagant designs for an opulent ambiance.

Tin has a very opulent look in interiors. Now have a look on secrets to make perfect interiors for your home.

Image Courtesy – Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5, Image 6, Image 7, Image 8, Image 9, Image 10, Image 12, Image 13

 Author Bio

Ankur ChowdhuryAnkur Chowdhury is an avid writer and an Aerospace Engineer with immense interest in home decoration.

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