How to Increase Your Home’s Safety and Value?

If you’re planning on selling your home, did you know that you can increase the value by improving its safety? With over 2.5 million burglaries occurring every year, many potential buyers are looking for a secure and safe home to raise their families. In this article, we’ll discuss how to increase home value. Sound interesting? Then keep on reading!

Ways to Increase Your Home Value

01. Clean Up the Yard to Improve Home Value

Backyard Cleaning

A messy, untidy yard isn’t going to increase your home’s value, and it also isn’t very safe. This is because intruders can hide easily out of view, using trees, bushes and shrubs as protection. Try to make your yard clean, and presentable, while also ensuring that the house can be easily seen from the road. This will deter unwanted guests away and ensure that the garden can be easily maintained.

02. Install a Home Security System for Your Home Safety

Home Security System

While home security systems can be a little expensive to install initially, they can significantly improve the value of home. With surveillance and alarms that can easily be controlled by a phone or tablet, buyers can ensure that their home is safe and secure at all times. You can also customize your system to suit your home’s needs. Check out the Vivint alarm system for inspiration!

03. Reinforce Your Doors With a Smart Lock for Home Safety

Smart Door Lock

Smart locks are a great addition to any home, and can significantly improve a home’s value. These devices can be unlocked with your smartphone or using a specific code, making it harder for intruders to break-in. There are many different kinds available, and it’s the first step in turning your house into a smart home!

In-Depth & Related article for you to read & understand easy tricks to improve safety of your home:

04. Installing a Hidden Safe Can Increase the Home Value

Hidden safes

Hidden safes and secret areas are becoming very popular and can be a major selling point for many buyers. Safes provide a secure space for an individual’s valuables, ensuring that they are protected in case of a break-in. Check out these hidden storage ideas to get yourself started!

05. Fence Off the Pool for the Extra Safety & Privacy

Pool Fence

In many places, fences around pools are required by law due to an increase in pool-related drownings. A pool fence is not only safe but can also add value to your home. With so many different ideas, styles, and colors, you can make your outdoor area stylish and secure.

Fencing around your home also protects you from theft and increase the safety of your home. So, to give you a better understanding one of my colleague has wonderfully written the following article, for you to refer;

Why Fencing Your Property is Important to Protect Your Home?
11 Different Types of Fences that are Widely Used Around Your Home

06. Add in Extra Lighting to Improve Home’s Aesthetic

Motion Sensor Lighting

Motion sensor lighting has been proven by many to deter unwanted guests away from homes and can help make your outdoor areas safer. Not only that, but they are many stylish alternatives that can increase your home’s value. You can even get solar-powered lights to help save on electricity. It’s a win-win!


While it might take a little while to get everything set up and put together, it will definitely be worth it. You’ll be able to improve the value of your home, easily, and ensure any future buyers are safe. Just remember to get any systems installed by a professional so that they work effectively. Good luck!

If you want to read more articles regarding improving value of your home, then you may refer following links:

Smart Home Solutions: Promotes Convenience & Safety to Your Health!
Work On Your Garden, It Will Raise Your Home Value

Image Courtesy: Image 3, Image 5

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