Types & Summary of Cracks in Reinforced Concrete Column

The occurrence of various crack patterns in the building mostly takes place during construction and/or after completion. A building component develops cracks whenever the stress in the components exceeds its strength. Stress in the building component is caused by externally applied forces/loads.
To start with, not all the cracks are harmful however it should not go unnoticed. Cracks in reinforced concrete column occur mainly due to inadequate size of their section or reinforcing steel, and corrosion in reinforcement etc.

Following are the major cracks that usually occur in reinforced concrete columns. We have tried to describe the possible reasons and important characteristics of cracks in reinforced concrete column.

Splitting Cracks in Reinforced Concrete Column:

Splitting Cracks in Reinforced Concrete Column

Figure below shows splitting cracks in reinforced concrete column which fails due to inadequate steel reinforcement and/or inferior concrete quality. This type of concrete cracks occurs due to load carrying capacity of the column reaches to its maximum.

Courtesy - Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd.


Crack Type

Important Characteristics

Possible Reasons

Reinforced Concrete ColumnSplitting Cracks in Reinforced Concrete Column
  • Building in that region.
  • Short parallel vertical cracks.
  • Varying widths
  • Inferior quality concrete.
  • Load carrying capacity of the column exceeded either due to inadequate cross-section or reinforcement insufficient.

Diagonal Cracks in Reinforced Concrete Column:

Diagonal Cracks in Reinforced Concrete Column

The figure below shows diagonal cracks in the reinforced concrete column due to inadequate cross-section and insufficient reinforcement steel. Figure in the first left shows diagonal cracks in end column due to inadequate load carrying capacity.

Courtesy - Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd.


Crack Type

Important Characteristics

Possible Reasons

Reinforced Concrete ColumnDiagonal Cracks in Reinforced Concrete Column
  • Runs diagonally across the section.
  • Can occur anywhere in the height.
  • Uniform thickness
  • Load carrying capacity of the column is inadequate
  • Cross-section or main reinforcement is insufficient

Horizontal Cracks in Reinforced Concrete Column:

Horizontal Cracks near to Column-Beam Junction

The figure below shows a horizontal crack in reinforced concrete column at the beam-column junction due to shear force.

Courtesy - Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd.


Crack Type

Important Characteristics

Possible Reasons

Reinforced Concrete ColumnHorizontal Cracks in Reinforced Concrete Column
  • Occurs near the beam-column junction.
  • Moment resistance capacity of column inadequate in the corresponding region.
  • Inadequate quantum of reinforcement or disposition of reinforcement not satisfactory.

Corrosion Cracks in Reinforced Concrete Column:

The figure below shows corrosion cracks in reinforced concrete column and it appears along the line of reinforcement. It is also called as corrosions cracks. These types of concrete cracks expand with time.

Bond Cracks due to Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete Column
Courtesy - Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd.


Crack Type

Important Characteristics

Possible Reasons
Reinforced Concrete ColumnCorrosion Cracks in Reinforced Concrete Column
  • Runs along the line of reinforcement.
  • Uniform width in general
  • Bond between reinforcing bars and concrete not satisfactory.
  • May be due to corrosion of bars

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