“I want my bedroom to be designed with the theme of Captain America/Angry Birds/Solar System/Cars.” This is what you may hear from today’s children. All we want to highlight is that today’s Gen-Y kids are too demanding when it comes to question of their personal choice. The bottom line is that they want everything in their own way. Thus, when it comes to designing their bedroom, it’s a difficult task as well as time consuming plan for the parents.Their rooms decipher the point that the kids in general love visuals and they are excited to experience amusement always. Their rooms exert an impact on their behavior. So, if you are planning to design your munchkin’s bedroom, have a look at our article first which will guide you about the key factors to be kept in mind while designing a kid’s bedroom. The tips will help you definitely to tackle the designing and decoration to keep the kid happy and parents satisfied:
Things to Take Care While Designing a Kid’s Bedroom
A kid’s bedroom therefore should be designed in such a way that furniture can easily be moved aside to allow active playing space under the roof. Here a few things you need to take care while designing children bedroom:
01. Always Remember the Playing Activities That Take Place in the Children Bedroom
The activities that are majorly done in a child’s bedroom are divided into three types, and these are sleeping, playing, and tidying-up. The design of any space is based upon the functions and activities of room’s occupants. Therefore, you should begin the décor plan by listing all the activities, materials, and event that are to be accommodated.
a) Children Bedroom Activity – Sleeping:

Sleeping is the premium activity in a bedroom, but it is an unconscious activity. Sound and comfortable sleep is vital to have a healthy growth process. Children require more sleep than adults. Sleep is essential to grow well and to feel happy, alert, and energetic. Thus, we should design a children’s bed for the comfortable sleeping space in such a manner that they feel relaxed and safe during the sleep.
b) Children Bedroom Activity – Playing:
Children spend time in playing as a part of their growing up phase. Since it is very difficult to separate the process of playing and the function it performs in the growing child, there is no simple and one-sentence definition to explain what play is. In their room we should give some flexibility of spaces. So, they can extend their play area safely.

Playing is a natural way to support learning. To support learning, we should divide a room into activity areas, where children can make smooth transition in their own time. This continuous provision enables them to develop their own routine and follow it by their own preference. The invitation of child for playing is communicated by the visual presence of play materials. When deciding where to locate activities area, first consider the flow of room circulation according to the location of doors, sinks and toilets. Design the spaces by sensibly keeping in mind the above point.
c) Children Bedroom Activity – Tidying up:

Tidying up is an informal learning activity. This activity teaches children about relations between things. A good storage is essential for tidying up of toys and other activity items. In the beginning, child’s room is organized by the adults. Then the adults expect children to take the responsibility for keeping things organized, and finally tidying up things to the storage units. The storage should be designed in such a way that children can easily and safely handle it by themselves. The other way is specifically defining a location of the activity in such an order that children can understand and start learning to tidy-up.
To understand their lifestyle and your interest to learn the related importance, you may know it here:
Home Environment For Kids: Understand Their Lifestyle & Bedroom Furniture!
02. Supportive Elements for Activities in Children Bedroom
There are other activities that take place rather than just sleeping, playing and tidying up. These activities can help in learning the main activities better.
a) Clear Paths and Boundaries in Children Bedroom:
If there is a clear pathway throughout the room, children can move easily from one activity to another. Paths should be in flow and lead to the destinations clearly visible from a child’s viewpoint. Activity areas need boundaries but not always physical boundary will work for them. Sometimes a carpet or similar visual boundary can delineate an area. If you are using physical dividers, it should be adequate to guide flow and provide security for children’s focused play. These boundaries need not be permanent. They can be made of fabric, lattice or furniture. Using shelves for boundaries is logical, serving the dual purpose of room divider as well as for the purpose of storage.
b) Storage for Kid’s Bedroom:

Storage should be located at the common point of use and it should be child accessible, easy to operate and comprehensive for the user kids, and also aesthetically pleasing. Moveable freestanding shelves are the best within the kid’s room. It should be placed in such a manner that it should not disturb the main activities of the room users. There are variety of shelf types, and each of them can serve different functions. Shelves that can accommodate various types of display and storage and a child can access the same is the best option for a kid’s room. Children Storage should be easily accessible, so that children will love to use it for keeping his goodies for keeping them in or taking them out.
c) Children’s Bedroom Flooring:

Floor is a primary indoor play surface, and children tend to get more deeply involved with floor activities than with table activities. On the floor, they can shift around, adjust their postures, and feel in control. Floor surface should not be so crowded with furniture or other elements, so they feel the urge to extend their required play-area while playing in a room.
d) Stimulation in Children’s Bedroom Environment:

Children’s bedroom environment should stimulate interest and curiosity. Colour is a prime example: since years there is a prevailing impact of colour on the mindset that children should be surrounded by bright colours. But children find it more difficult to relax or concentrate with loud colours. Nature demonstrates a tranquil environment, which include the vast expanses like oceans; moors, forests, and sky are varying shades of calm colours. Exciting colours come in smaller accents like, flowers, butterflies, birds, etc. Likewise, a calm colour scheme in room will support a peaceful atmosphere. By using children’s artwork, interesting objects that highlight an activity and cultural fabrics; we can add provide brightness in room.
03. Design a of Bedroom for Kids That Can Grow with Your Child’s Growth
One mistake that parents often do that while designing their children’s bedroom they decorate the place keeping in mind only one age group. Hence, they end up spending time and money every 2-3 years. Children grow fast in terms of age. So, it will be wise if you keep in mind that while designing, their bedroom must also evolve as your kids will grow up. As and when they grow older day by day, a room must be flexible to acquire their needs accordingly.

The best way is to be smart enough, think ahead, and buy furniture that can grow with your children. For walls, take natural hues so that you can modify it as and when your kid wants to improvise. You can add wallpapers with playful graphical patterns. Invest in good-sized queen bed that the kid can use at least till he/she reaches the college. When it comes to furniture, stick to wood tones which will suit to the preference of all age groups. These tips will definitely help you to save money, time, hassle and the obligation of expensive changes.
For designing or during purchase of a furniture, you might need these dimensions to keep in mind:
4 Common Posture’s Dimension to Keep in Mind Before Designing Furniture for Children up to 5 to 16 Years
04. Work the Space in Children’s Bedroom

Always start designing the space keeping the child in mind. Kids needs plenty of floor space to play and move while a teen requires mostly seating activity for studying or visiting friends online. Thus, you must try to keep the floor space free to accommodate their needs and their transition of needs as they grow. What we are left with is the beds, which must be designed and kept in such a way that they do not acquire much of the floor area. The great idea is to use trundle bed or bunk bed which helps you to free up the space. The decorations in the room must be simple suiting all the age groups.
As your kid will grow from a child to a teen, you may also need these tips for designing. Have a look at it:
Tips to Design the Perfect Teenagers’ Bedroom!
05. Colour Palette for the Kids Room

When it comes to select the theme for your kid’s bedroom, you are more likely to go for bright colours and bring some exiting wall patterns. But this applies for some span of years, and then one fine day, what if your kid says, “I don’t like this colour anymore”? To avoid such situations, the best is to go for neutral shades. Thus, even if your kid’s interest changes, you can modify a little bit by changing wall stickers or something similar. Neutral theme gives the advantage to of decorating the walls with murals.
06. Bed Ideas for Kids

The design of a child’s bed should not disturb his/her sleep. If you plan to buy a new bed for your toddler, make sure to pick the right one because the car bed may fascinate for a time being but in future, you might have to buy a new one. Always buy such beds that can expand in size when in need. In small bedrooms, you may go for trundle bed or bunk bed. Storage beds are good options where much of his playful stuffs can be stored easily.
07. Children Bedroom must Inculcate a Space for his Hobby

Give wings to children to explore their creativity. Encourage them by giving him/her the space in their room for the hobby they are fond of. You can do so by giving them an entire wall with chalkboard paint facility to do the artwork or doodling that he/she likes drawing, etc. Give them a space to display their artwork. If your child likes to play on the floor or dance, make sure that his room has enough space to indulge his hobby.

Children mostly love to show what they have made to their parents. It’s time to celebrate the children’s efforts. It will allow these little angels to follow an interest over a period of time with the power of motivation and concentration to improve it. We can create an interesting display for children. Display should be changed frequently to keep them relevant and interesting. Children’s confidence and independence will be strengthened if they are allowed to help maintain and create display by themselves.On a final note, designing a children bedroom is a challenging task. We hope you will go through the above-mentioned tips before you start designing your kid’s bedroom. It will guide you throughout your renovation process and also will show a different perspective.
Since you are already riding on the children bedroom design tips, you may also love to go through these:
11 Design Tips for Your Children’s Study Room
And before you take a leave from us, here are some amazing articles for your master bedroom too…
9 Easy & Cheap Ways To Upgrade Your Master Bedroom
Top 10 Accessories for your Bedroom Décor
Image Courtesy: Image 4, Image 8, Image 9, Image 14
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